Tuesday 28 February 2023

The View Of The View

 Back around 2011....I had a snow day at work, and ended up staying home all day.  I sat and watched THE VIEW (never had seen it before).

So for about sixty minutes....I sat....consuming the show.

My view?

First, after about 20 minutes....I got the impression that whatever the ladies were talking about....they marginally knew anything about the subject.  It was like asking your barber about nuclear fusion, or asking the garbage truck guys about Asian food, or asking your minister for investment advice.

Second, about half of the show was politically motivated in some way.  It felt like some propaganda piece.

Third, it seemed hooked to some California mentality.  I should note....it is filmed there.  

Fourth and final....it was hard for me to imagine who would sit daily and watch the show.  Course, probably half the audience records it and plays it back after they get home at night.

This brings me to the question....is there anything of value to the View?  I think it's probably the wrong question to ask.  Instead, the question is.....are there so few women sitting there at 11 AM (ET)....that it's the cheapest show to produce and insert into the time-slot?  

The Path of Three Things

 1.  Gendering and Mis-gendering.

One day, you (as a supervisor or boss) will have a new employee arrive.  On the form, their first name is 'blkdidiaklsksidy', but they stand there and tell you that you shall prounounce their name as 'Tom', but it must be written each time as 'blkdidiaklsksidy'.  

Naturally, you ask for a social security card or valid ID, and they've somehow managed to get that set to 'blkdidiaklsksidy'.  

So you start off....a first name should have a capital 'B', and they tell you 'NO'.....by their gender.....their name starts off with a 'b'.  

Then you state the problem in that anyone who walks into the building looking for 'blkdidiaksksidy' and not asking for 'Tom'.  

A month will pass and two new employees arrive.....one with the first name 'SixSix-Nine-ixy' and the other being 'SixSix-Nine-ixy-Nine'.  

Eventually, you will let all three employees go, and get sued.  The problem here....there is nothing existing over name discrimination (yet).  So a whole new trend will start....to ensure name discrimination cannot occur.

2.  By 2030, in California....the Hispanic population in California will reach a stage where they outnumber whites and blacks.  

THE minority for California at this point.....will be the Hispanic folks, and the whole talk over minority action or reparations for blacks.....will end (abruptly).

By 2040.....the Hispanic wave will have reached five US states....where they outnumber blacks.  

It's Hispanics in the future of the US.....not blacks....that matter.

3.  Chatter over 4-day work-weeks?

There's a lot of discussion over dumping the five-day work-week.....going to four days instead.

If it means you rebalance the typical work-day to ten hours.....I just don't see this as a positive.  Course, the same people would openly discuss dumping the 24-hour clock and going to a 12-hour clock instead....having 120 minutes in an hour.  

Monday 27 February 2023


 I sat and was amused by this product picture....AR-15-like BB gun.

Scaring the crap out of the neighborhood?  Yeah, I could see some urban areas having a phone call or two each week to the cops.

I would imagine there's already an agenda to outlaw the product.

So, What If Covid Was A Accidental Lab Accident?

 Released at the end of last week.....the PhD folks at the US Energy Department released a report, and had concluded that Covid was not a wet-market episode, and most likely came a lab (either accidentally or intentionally).

So, several observations:

1.  Why the Energy Department?  Well....they have physicists sitting around....probably into the hundreds, and they discuss problems for hours on end.  

Physicists are different from most people.  They analyze things and want a scientific answer in the end.  If you have evidence of 'A' and 'B', then only 'C' can be the end-result.  

Einstein said of the world of physicists...."It should be possible to explain the laws of physics to a barmaid."

2.  If this was a lab experiment gone wrong....what does it say of 'protection' at the lab?

3.  If this was intentional....to bring down Trump and the economy....was the idea thought out at all?

4.  It might be time to ask what exactly the US government funds in terms of things beyond the border.  

5.  Oddly, you now have around half the US nation which is skeptical of everything done in 2020, 2021, and 2022....over Covid.  They don't believe the news media.....social media (FB, Twitter, YouTube)....the President, or half of the people who used to be their friends.  In a odd twist....you also can't repair the loss of this trust.

6.  Finally, now you have to assume everything that Trump said over the virus....pretty much was correct.  I think this is the biggest 'ace' laying on table.  

Sunday 26 February 2023

Five Observations

 1.  Via social media....you see a lot of people commenting 'literally shaking'.  

Either you are shaking, or you aren't.  Using 'literally'?  Well....you could be 'literally farting', 'literally sleeping', 'literally puking', or 'literally angry'.  Something is literally wrong here.  

2.  There's some BS going on where James Bond books (by Ian Fleming) are being edited in some fashion....to lessen hurtful words for fragile readers.  Bond would come across as nice and kind....I would assume.  I expect the Bible to be next on editing for lesser hurtful content.

3.  People are so fragile at this point now....that I would suggest more than 50,000 Americans would be unable to do a self-car-wash situation....without help.

4.  There's a minimum of once a day....where I view something and 'scam' comes to my mind.  

5.  If you go and ask any of the opposing Republicans for President (to Trump)....what their policy differences are to Trump....they seem to get awful quiet.  They seem to notice if you tried to copy anything other than Trump's programs....it won't sell to the public.

Saturday 25 February 2023

My Ten Issues With President Biden Running In 2024

 1.  If you dragged 100 Democratic voters into a hall, and asked what the three big accomplishments of President Biden were since day one....at the 40th minute....we would still be dwelling on an idea for accomplishment number two.

2.  There's likely to be at least four primary candidates going  against Biden, and I could envision twelve of the first twenty primaries....resulting in Biden being a second-place winner.  

3.  Sam Bankman-Fried will not be able to funnel cash to Biden or any of the Senate/House candidates.  

4.  VP Harris will be demanding a signal by January 2024....she will be his VP candidate, and I don't believe he wants that.

5.  CNN will have evolved to the point that they aren't hyping Biden in any shape or way for all of 2024.

6.  The DNC able to have debates, with Biden in the mix?  I have my doubts that you can allow this to be a public event.  

7.  If you hold 'massive' Biden rallies, and these are 2,000 seat hotel conference centers....while Trump is holding his rallies in 20,000 seat arenas.....will it be a problem for the news media to 'hide'?

8.  Can President Biden handle both a regular job and a campaign trail?  I have doubts.

9.  Is Joe Biden a brand-name that is unsellable in 2024, unlike 2020?  I'm wondering about that issue.

10.  Finally, with all the Hunter Biden and the classified-laying-around stuff.....is it wise to even ask if Joe runs in 2024?  

Oppressed or Privileged?

 I sat and read through a story coming out of a region....about 20 miles east of Oakland, California.

So....there are these students at a school district....who were given some kind of presentation that they would be listed in some way along four groups:

"Type of Oppression," "Variable," "Non-Target Groups (Privilege)" and "Target Groups (Oppression)."

In simple terms.....you would end up being ID'ed as oppressed or privileged.

Parents getting the same presentation?  No.

With the student-teacher 'package'....someone had obviously done a lot of extra work....to explain how you might be oppressed.  There was a listing to say types (oppression included racism, sexism, genderism, classism, elitism, religious oppression, militarism, ageism, adultism, heterosexism, ableism, xenophobia and linguistical types of oppression).

I sat and paused over this.  To be honest....if you dealing with me as a high school student...particularly around the 10th grade....I probably would have sat there for a good long hour trying to contemplate what was said, and if the teacher was compromised in some way (being half-witted for example).  I might have asked the teacher if they were oppressed in some way.

This would have been the point where I realized I had progressed as far as I could with high school, and it was time to test out via the GED program.  

I tried to contemplate how it was for me in the 1970s....being either privileged or oppressed.  

I had roughly five pairs of jeans (for school or work)....with one set of Sunday church clothing.    I'm not sure if that qualifies me as privileged or oppressed.

We did serve ice cream occasionally at the table....but it was the cheap stuff.  To be honest....at the A&P or Piggly Wiggly....that was about all they sold in those days.  I'm not sure if that qualifies me as privileged or oppressed.

If you asked us to define elitism.....we probably would have thought you were using a eastern Tennessee dialect, and mispronouncing athleticism.  

If you had gotten onto some linguistic oppression chatter.....we would have all thought we were oppressed....mostly because we were speaking correctly, and the non-residents were using a weird type of English accent.  

Confusing times?  I'd suggest we are headed to a point where you might want to get as much as possible done by the 10th grade and just GED yourself out of school.  

Friday 24 February 2023

Ten Things I Don't Buy Into Anymore

 1.  NBA.  Since the late 1990s....I've lost complete interest in NBA games.

2.  NFL   Since the Colin Kaepernick business.....I have zero interest.

3.  Star Wars.  After the first three, I was finished.  

4.  Late night comedy shows.  Since Johnny Carson retired....I've been finished.

5.  George Bush being competent.  I would say midway though the Trump period....it just came to pass....Bush was ill qualified for the 8-year job.

6.  American beer.  After you've had a number of German beers....it's hard to find anything of quality made in the US.

7.  Chicago, Baltimore, Memphis, St Louis or Atlanta being safe.  They simply aren't safe.  

8.  Covid was just a accidental thing that came from a meat market in  Wuhan.  I just don't buy the story any longer.

9.  A movie ticket for $12.  Sorry, but with 90-percent of movies....I probably wouldn't pay more than $4.  

10.  The need for a truth commission.  In 99-percent of cases....truth commissions just muddy-up the facts even more.  

Odd Thing From Georgia Grand Jury Episode Over Trump

 As you gaze at the jury forewoman in this episode...Emily Kohrs, and her social media business....she's into witchcraft.

So, you just kinda stand there and try to seem how things work in Georgia, and her 'hobby' fits into things.

First, when you do a Grand Jury....there's usually a questionnaire with forty-odd questions.  The judge wants to note that you are a resident of the region....that you aren't 'touched' (meaning nuts)...that you can prove your identity (usually from a driver's license).  They might ask about hobby stuff.....but there's nothing will drag your witchcraft angle.  

Second, even if you had said you were a witch in the judge's interview.....there's no rule to disqualify you because of your witch status.

Third, over the course of several seeks of Grand Jury duty.....if it did come out....I'm pretty sure that half of the jury members would be freaked out, and would have asked the judge to be released. 

Fourth, to be kinda honest....folks from the south will usually say they've never met a witch.  Maybe when 'Uncle Harvey' got all drunk and said he was 'Satan'...you just assumed he was faking it.  Klan members or radical hippies?  Oh yeah....everyone will say they've met one or two.  But witches?  No.

Finally, I just don't see this gal staying around Georgia at this point.  The fame and glamor will be too much, and she will end up in California.    

Wednesday 22 February 2023

The 'Stoned' Jury Foreman Story

 This interview....with Emily Kohrs (the Grand Jury foreman on the Trump stuff in Georgia)....was out in today's news. You can view yourself:

I ended up playing 3 times.

So 3 observations:

1.  She's lit up on something....high-THC cannabis or some pill form.  She gets hyper-active about half-way through the interview.

2.  Basically, with everything she laid out....the judge has to be shaking his head.  She violated some things he said, and made the prosecutor case near impossible to handle. 

3.  How they came to appoint her as the jury 'boss'?  I'd like to hear the judge explain this.  Did they have mostly dimwitted locals, and she was the only one with a community college background?

So the Georgia aim to bring Trump down.....dead in the water?  Yeah.  I'll add this....if you ever get brought to an interview and can't handle the pressure.....don't go and smoke high-THC weed.  

The Dozen Skills You Leave The Farm With

 Growing  up in the rural regions of Alabama in the 1970s.....you would eventually realize that you'd developed talents which were useful for the rest of your life.  For example.....

1.  When someone asks you how much space is taken up....you eyeball the situation and generally answer one-quarter, or double....the space of a Ford F-150 'bed'.  Truck beds seem to be a standard way of measurement.  

2.  Real 'characters' in life....always have nicknames.  If you don't have a nickname....you were never a 'character'.  The nickname crowd always seemed legendary....even forty years later after their demise....folks still remember them.  

3.  You generally assign a ranking on irrational people....with anything above a '5' requiring you to maintain a distance.  '5' usually means six feet.  '7' usually means a dozen feet.  

4.  Any movie held at a drive-in....had some action or arousing content....that made the drive-in experience worth the money.  Regular theaters were not that way.

5.  If it looks snakey....it probably is not a forest or woods that you should travel through.

6.  The minute some woman has gotten a community nickname of 'Jezebel', you probably shouldn't ought to hang out with her.

7.   There's no finer food to sample....than county-fair food.  

8.  If you had relatives who went 'off'....they are usually not talking about carnival crowd they hung out with, or the 30 days in county jail, or the year they spent in 'Nam'.  It's best not to discuss the 'off' period ever.

9.  If someone brings up 'books' they read....they typically don't mean Hemingway or Steinbeck.....they mean 'books' or chapters out of the Bible.

10.  You learned the route you took for some 3-hour travel experience....usually is important to remember because folks will ask how you got there and how you returned.  Later in life....skills like this matter.

11.   The people who got all hyped-up from the Baptist revival period....are usually people that you might want to avoid...for at least 90 days.  

12.  Chaos and tragedy often gets measured in different ways.  A fragile person might not be able to handle much on a problem.  Some rural guys might have a hundred times that amount of stress in their life, and show little.  You always need to assess who you are dealing with, and their irrational ranking in life.  

My Five Theories

 1.  My expenditure of thinking over things theory.  If you imagine a graphic chart where a cannon ball is fired into the air....there is an arch, and at the peak....it can go no higher, and the cannon ball will start a descent.  

Thinking is this way....as long as you still rising on the problem and solution....it's worth pondering.  Once you've hit the peak of the arch of thinking.....it's just wasted time and effort from that point on. 

Bottom line?  Don't think sixteen hours over a four hour problem.  

2.  The filtering of life theory.  Filtering issues is helpful.....but if you reach a point where there's more than five filters at work....the odds are that you will reach a end-point where nothing really fits or works.

3.  Artificial Intelligence is doomed.

All this BS chatter going on about how AI will take over and be smarter than people.....will reach a point where you realize the AI 'creature' is only as smart or clever as the code-writer who created it.  

4.  People who seem energized over some activist viewpoint....are easily manipulated and brain-washed.

If you ever sit down with folks who want to get you hyped-up or enthusiastic over some trendy topic....if you use simple skepticism....you will quietly walk out, and laugh over the attempted manipulation.

5.  I'm convinced that out of every one-hundred people who attend four years of college today....approximately 10-percent of them (minimum) are no brighter or more clever....than day one that they started the college adventure.

When the first college opened (1088, Italy)....the general idea was that you would leave and be a more independent and rational thinker....with the tools to assemble conclusions.  That's not what exists today in the bulk world of selling college.  

Tuesday 21 February 2023


 1.  Just odd with Biden's trip suddenly into the Ukraine.  For a full week, up until this arrival....not a single siren could be heard in Kiev.  Within an hour of the American President's arrival.....siren went off.

2.  Is fat a gender?  I sat and watched some piece on Twitter....suggesting that we might need to change our view and accept fat as a new agenda.  

Sorry, but just not buying into this BS.

3.  Where I see Project Veratas in a year?  

Approximately 50-percent of funding dries up by mid-summer.  New funding comes from liberal foundations....with the PV guys geared toward slamming conservative causes.

At some point, James O'Keefe will launch a new PV-like organization, and secretly target his former 'team'.  

4.  All the 6 Jan video released to Fox's Tucker Carlson?

Basically, there'll be a five-minute tape every night where things are laid out.  By spring of 2024, I expect enough pressure for a special committee to have hearings with various gov't agencies.  Distrust in federal government business will grow.

Monday 20 February 2023

Just Five Humble Thoughts

 1.  If you've gone to some protest 'gathering' with a hundred folks showing up....it's pretty likely that at least two of the hundred are undercover LE from city, state or federal agencies, and the two may not even know each other or their purpose in the gathering.

2.  President Biden has come out with some 'agenda' where it's unfair for resort hotels to attach special fees to the bill at the end of the stay. 

To be honest, on my list of 15,000 things that the President needs to devote time/energy to....this doesn't make it.  If you are unhappy about resort hotel fees.....don't go and waste your money there.  

3.  In a normal life (departing by age 82).....you probably will experience more than 400 weather warning episodes, with only one bringing disaster to your front-door step (if you are lucky).

4.  In the past month, I've probably viewed seven hours of GB news out of the UK, with the word 'terrifying' uttered at least twenty-five times.  A bit over-used, if you ask me.

5.  There's not a single day of the week now that I don't have this cult-warning-like image in my mind after viewing the news or reading through social media.  

The Thing About Mentally Ill People

 It's generally accepted that 50-percent of Americans will experience some type of problem and need mental health 'help' at some point in their life.  Just in an average year, it's also generally accepted that one out of five Americans will need some mental health assistance in an average year.

On Paranoid Schizophrenia?  If you dig into it....it's figured around 3-million Americans have an ongoing problem....going from 'lite' to extreme.  

I used to not think much about this statistical business.  In the past five years?  I'd say on a daily basis....viewing things going on....via social media and the news...it's a couple of times a day that I question people and their irrational behavior now.

It's nothing personal or a slam against your irrational behavior....but I'd rather stay thirty feet away, and frankly....on topics of discussion....I'd rather not hear your list of woes in life.

In previous generations of life....we probably did run a few mentally ill folks out of town, or deliver some folks to a long-term stay hospital with guys in white jackets.  Our compassion was settled upon the idea of limiting our daily interaction with mentally ill folks....not accepting them as an equal (they weren't).

The question on my mind usually?  Is there a trend going on, with more than the average number of mentally ill people out there?  If so....why?

Sunday 19 February 2023

Ten Random Thoughts

1.  If you uttered the phrase 'dark ages' to someone....how would they define it?

(probably a response about the last power outage they had)

2.  If you had to deal with someone who you absolutely knew they had a mental disorder....what's the odds that you'd skip the meeting entirely?

3.  Have you in the past decade met anyone that you would truly classify as a 'hippie'?

4.  In an average day of bumping into 100-plus people....how many are what you'd classify as freaky or radical beyond belief?

5.  If you walked into a shop and needed customer assistance....then the front-desk lady appeared helpful but had six obvious tattoos and four piercings on her nose and lip....is there a slight chance you'd just walk out?

6.  If you were the 'boss' and there's a $300 weather balloon floating around and your chief way of 'getting' it....is a $350,000 missile....would you sign off?

7.  If you laid out $22,000 for the first year of college for your 'Wanda', and she arrived back home after 12 months...seeming more stupid than before, what are the odds you won't pay for another semester?

8.  The odds that in the basement of the Pentagon....there's a two-man-shop with experts on weather balloons?

9.  If you could sneak around to 12 states and register to vote in all of them....without getting caught....would you do it?

10.  Is there any chance that your 7-year old son may walk up to you and ask for verification that you are....who you say you are....indicating he wants to see your blue-check mark (like Twitter)?

The Thing About Serfdom

 Officially, on the books.....most of civilization (in the UK) saw serfdom dismantled in 1789.  It was a long and slow process....but the general public...between the colony-turned-into-America, and the United Kingdom....saw the future, and it didn't involve serfs.

In France, the end came around 30 years later.  For Germany....around the 1830s to 1840s.

Being a serf?  It usually meant that you were given a fake piece of property by some deeded guy (someone with a title), and you were his hired 'help'.  You weren't supposed to move....you weren't supposed to improve your life or welfare....you weren't supposed to have beliefs other than what you were given by the deeded guy.

A lot of what was written into Das Kapital....by Marx....in 1867....was geared to a world of serfdom, which was already in a death stage by this point.  I've always questioned the value of the book and that maybe his judgement and harsh view....was maybe 30 years behind the times.  The fact that Das Kapital (your introduction to Communism) was more of a intellectual-introduction situation....rather than for the common guy who'd left the serf world and gone off on his own.

Serfs being brought up a good bit today?  This is an odd thing....at least once a month, I'll be reading some essay or article, and some individual wants to stir up serfdom once again.....trying to suggest that x-group of people are herded-up to be serfs once again.

The problem with this discussion?  You end up, if you admit you might be a serf....suggesting that you are happy being controlled (either by the gov't, some authority, or some fake-degreed 'Lord')....happy over never leaving the dwelling or current dump....and happy over some doom/gloom scenario.  It would make little sense to stay.


 1.  Noted this AM....US Navy came out with a physical fitness optional-plan.  What they say...in certain words....if you failed the annual 'test', instead of the bad-boy reports, you'd just get encouraged to improve.  All the current bad-boy reports in the system?  They'd be yanked.

I had a conversation with a Navy guy back in the 1990s, and he simply noted while at sea....if you were persistent....you might have spent an hour in the ship's gym once a week....mostly lifting weights.  

Why the change?  Well....lot of guys getting previously encouraged to leave the service over the fitness agenda.  

2.  How I see Senator Fetterman for the remainder of 2023?

I will suggest that he exits the hospital by late March, and does a month of home-rest....returning to work in mid-May.  By the return from summer recess....around late September, he'll have fresh problems, and return to the hospital by early October.  You won't see him in the Senate office more than five days for the last two months of 2023.  

3.  On changing names 'games'?

If you look at the current high school kid agenda....we've left the gender business to test the next trend....changing names.

I'll predict by early 2024....more than 20,000 kids under the age of 18....will changed their names.  Some will be taking up Klingon names....some will select robotic angles (Borg-One-of-Twelve).....some will select 'Clever', 'Winkel', or 'Pussy'....some might even select 8th century Roman empire names (Crispin, Kenric, or Eydis).  

4.  To be a Starsky and Hutch new series...using females as the two?

Yeah.  For some reason, I'm just not buying into the concept.

5.  Ever noticed....about 90-percent of the stuff on late night 'comedy' shows....isn't that funny (like Johnny Carson-funny)?

6.  After CNN fires Don Lemon (any day now).....should Fox come up and offer the guy a second chance in life, and let him confess he's always been a conservative? 

Friday 17 February 2023


 1.  Apparently, Dewayne 'The Rock' Johnson (the wrestler-actor) had a meeting with Republican figures yesterday.  Nothing was openly discussed.

The Rock is a resident of California and I might go and suggest he's looking at entering the Senate race for 2024.  

What this does to the race in California?  All three of the top Democratic contenders announced so far....would have a problem.  The Rock fills the black 'square' and the Samoan 'square'.  

I'm guessing he wants some funding help and the GOP might be figuring his odds.

2.  The situation with Fetterman (the new Senator from Penn)?

Well....his staff announced late yesterday that he's entered the hospital again.  What they say?  He's in for treatment of a depression issue now.

My humble view?  He's got intense pressure building up and expectations from his staff to perform.  He just can't handle the mess he walked into.

I expect him to be there for a week, and then go spend a week or two on home-rest.  For the next couple of months....I doubt if he shows up more than three hours a day.

3.  What President Biden said of the balloons yesterday?  "They were most likely balloons tied to private companies, recreation or research institutions studying weather..."

In simple terms, the last three 'things' are still unidentified because the Pentagon has not been able to find them.  

On the BS-level....(1-to-10)....it's probably a '7'.

4.  A page-7 story, but the Russian lady who is the Finance 'Boss' of the Western Military District (the region around the Ukraine).....jumped off a sky-rise yesterday....dead.  Not a lot of details, but I would imagine the budget is pretty empty and the war can't be financed with legit money.

Wednesday 15 February 2023


 1.  Its been on my mind a good bit the last year.....how one survived the 1970s....without internet, cable TV, social media, etc.

We got by with four channels of TV offerings.  

We read through White Fang, Cannery Row, and Batman comics.  

Maybe ten-percent of people could name the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.   

No one knew the VP or they certainly weren't asked to make a speech.

Just odd how things relate to today.

2.  On the topic of the Russia-to-Germany Nord Stream I/II pipes being blown up.  The more you gaze at this....it would have made perfect sense for the Russians to have blown up the pipes going from Norway to Germany.....yet that's not what happened.  So you gaze back at this story of the US being the culprit, and wonder more about this scenario.

3.  In most European languages (like Italian, German or French).....when you talk about non-human objects (motorcycles, refrigerators, tables).....there's a gender (he, she, or it).

I pause over the pronoun crowd and wonder if they will get to a point where a table can be a 4th gender, or if a bucket can be a 5th gender.

As confusing as things are.....it could get a lot worse.

4.  I watched the preview of the upcoming 'Flash' movie....featuring Micheal Keaton as a much older Batman.  He's still the one and only at playing the part.

5.  A statement was released yesterday....Senator Feinstein will not be running for Senator again.  About 3 hours pass, and some reporters approach Feinstein to ask questions, and she seems all confused about the announcement.  It was almost like she didn't remember releasing it, or was just having a 'Biden-moment'.

6.  Each time that Pete Buttigieg appears on TV now....I discount him more and more from ever running for President.

7.  No new UFO episodes in the past 24 hours.  

Tuesday 14 February 2023


 1.  I read some piece where several of the top level of the Democratic Party are discussing letting Biden run again, with a new VP....because they believe he's the only one capable of beating Trump. 

Who would be the VP?  Unknown....but it'd have to be a woman....probably non-white, and probably slightly more capable of filling the role of replacing Biden. 

You get the impression that they aren't that bright up at the top level.

2.  MSNBC had a guest on, who gave a chat about people who watch Fox News.  The lady said....Fox is a cult, and if you regularly watch it....you need deprograming.  

Just in general....no matter what news you watch or read....you probably are in some cult-club.  

3.  This UFO chatter going on?  

Look....in virtually all four episodes...it's a freaking balloon, and each appears to be slightly different.  In one case, based on the description....it's got chaff (strips of aluminum foil and radar would have a hell of a time picking it up).

No, it's not aliens.  If you had travel 11-trillion miles to Earth....you sure as hell wouldn't allow yourself to be shot down by a missile.

Just accept the fact that China has developed technology that is equal or better to the US.  

Sunday 12 February 2023


 1.  What does it mean when a fighter pilot utters 'no propulsion systems'?

In simple terms.....no prop engine and sign of a jet....so it's a balloon, or it's a UFO....end of the story.

2.  Senator Fetterman a lost cause?

Someone on his 'team' said yesterday that they expended all chances for a stroke recovery by pushing him on through the campaign of 2022.  So this is it.....he can never get any better.

My personal belief is that the 'team' (including his wife) want him to push on through 2023, and 2024....retiring in early 2025 (the next election would be 2026 then).

3.  There's a California draft bill existing presently....which says a school would be unable to throw out or suspend a student....if they would not respect the authority of teachers.

I would guess....if it passes.....more than 10-percent of the present teachers in the state would call it quits within a year.

4.  The NY Times says that something called 'hasty packing' is what got classified into boxes to be sent to Biden's house and university situation.  

How this never happened before?  Not explained.

Balloon Shooting / Aces?

 In the great period of WW I....fighters flew and would be given the mission of shooting down German observation balloons.

There are 77 pilots from this era....distinguished as 'aces' for their efforts to bring down the balloons.

Belgian Willy Coppens was the leader....with 35 shootdowns (of balloons).

So it brings me to ponder....as this gets to be a weekly thing and the Air Force pilots put on stand-by.....to shoot down Chinese balloons....will they discuss ace-status?

I can imagine the operations room....eight pilots with monster energy drinks in their hands....discussing whether this is wise to start up a ace-status.

Captain 'Stinky' (his pilot nickname) will suggest this is really stupid and he doesn't want to be called a balloon-buster.

Major 'Vegas' makes a stand about promotion elements, and that 12 balloons busted would guarantee him Lt Col status.

1Lt 'Marvelous' states the obvious that....his dad would be proud of a ace-status son in the family....even if it was just one single balloon.

LtCol 'Mad-Dog' suggests that balloon sizes might be an issue and if you only took on mini-balloons....it's not the same as weather balloons.

Captain 'Boom' says he's up for serious balloon action....while sipping his 4th monster energy drink in the last hour.

Finally, 2Lt 'Mutt' suggests that more training will be required out in Vegas....to properly certify guys for balloon-killing.  He figures at least a month of extra training....enough time to perfect his poker skills at the casinos.  

While in the back of the Ops room....sits Airman Jones, who is building a template for future medals for the pilots.....so that everyone gets a medal for each balloon action.  

Sarge?  He's just standing there....viewing all of this and shaking his head.....everyone is hyped up over stupid balloons, and expending a $350,000 missile per balloon.  Then giving some kind of ace-status over balloons?  It makes no sense.  

Balloon Shootdown?

 From what the gov't says.....the Air Force shot down a round 'thing' yesterday over Alaska.

Description given?  Smaller than the previous weather balloon, silverish in color, size of two cars, and cylindrical in shape.  Some report indicates it was up around 40,000 ft.   

Did it come from China?  No one says that.  

UFO?  Well....they leave wondering about what the heck was shot, and how it does not relate to the previous balloon.

If it was a UFO?  I'm sure the Air Force is standing there over the wreckage and shaking their heads.  

Friday 10 February 2023

Things I Perceive

 1.  Alec Baldwin will probably be convicted and end up with three years in a New Mexico prison....getting out two years later, and being 30 pounds lighter.

2.  Pete Buttigieg will leave his Secretary of Transportation job by late 2023....to campaign for the Presidency in 2024. 

3.  At least one state by the end of 2023, will be attempting four-day a week schools....later finding them to be a failure.

4.  One of the top 2024 campaign topics will be the designation of Mexican drug cartels as terror organizations, and the discussion will involve actual 'attacks' upon the groups in Mexico...creating a retaliation event within the US in 2025.  

5.  Some students who've graduated from college (4-year degrees)....will take to the court system....suing the colleges to say they paid x-amount of money, and did not actually get any smarter.  

6.  Someone will eventually find a classified document going back to the 2nd week that he was a US Senator (1973)....in the Biden document collection.  

7.  'Cocaine Bear' to be released in mid-Feb 2023....will be the number one hit of 2023, and be sent back for a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th version...making tons of money for the studio.

8.  Along the path of gas stoves being considered unhealthy....it'll be determined by the end of 2023....butane cigarette lighters are also unhealthy.  

9.  By the end of 2023, over 700 high school students will have put themselves into a frenzy and claim to have demon-possession (the newest fad via YouTube).  

10.  A group of high school kids in Wisconsin will introduce a new language, and refuse to speak English in high school, with teachers being unable to communicate or grasp anything said.  

The Thing About Imaginary Threats

 The more that imaginary threats linger and persist....the more likely you believe some element of the threat.

At some point in the late 1700s...in Germany, there was this story which started up about a nun who was biting people.  The story always led off about such-and-such convent, where a nun was going crazy, and anyone entering the place....was likely to be bitten (suggesting demons of course).  The story got around...into various areas of Germany and Italy.  No one can say there was a single nun who bit people....but this got repeated enough to scare up folks to avoid nuns for a while.

In the SW part of England in the 1688 period....this story started up that Irish 'fighting-men' had arrived and were attacking/killing Welsh folks in various towns along the coast.  The problem was....there was not a single report that could be substantiated.  As weeks passed, the belief intensified, with Welsh folks arming themselves and discussing panic throughout most of their daily affairs.

In Wurzburg, German in 1749....locals started to have panic attacks and high anxiety episodes....showing trance-like behavior.  This went on for several weeks, and the central theme was a Catholic Church nun 'home'.  Accusations of demons and witchcraft started up, and eventually (like you'd expect)....the locals had to exercise some nun (to death) in order to halt the uncivilized behavior shown.

Back in 1976....in Mount Pleasant, Mississippi....the local school had some event where around fifteen kids fell to the ground....in a 'twitch'.  School looked for drugs, and could not find any.  Hysteria started up, with some belief that if there were no drugs....it'd have to be demons.  Around 300 students stayed home (one-third of the kids in the school) the next couple of days....as parents felt the school was temporarily 'hexed' (possessed).  

The problem here....all it takes is a suggestion, and people start to believe things which simply aren't real.  It could be some honest mistake....it could be some organized effort by a political party.  It could even be a fake creation that the FBI devises....to create a narrative. 

Ten Movies To Make You Pause And Ponder

 This is my list of movies that require you to spend hours after viewing....pondering over what you saw, and general perceptions:

1.  1984.  

2.  Logan's Run.

3.  Lord of the Flies.

4.  Planet of the Apes (1968 version).

5.  Idiocracy (as comically created, it begs a lot of questions at the conclusion).

6.  The Colony (2021, a apocalyptic movie about Earth disaster, chaos, and mostly lesbian scientists).

7.  Cowboys and Aliens (2011, cowboy western where aliens have arrived on Earth).

8.  12 Monkeys (you might need to watch it five times before you really reach a conclusion).

9.  The Village (whatever you think for the first hour, you can forget about in the final twenty minutes).

10.  Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.  (I've probably replayed the final twenty-minute scene at least thirty times)

Three Things I Learned Today

 1.  Disney is messing around with the Star Wars 'script' and talking about the idea of making Luke Skywalker gay.  

I pondered over this.

Back in September of 1977....I went to the big showing of Star Wars, and about the last thing on Earth that you got out of the movie....was some sexual content. 

The necessity of going this direction?  I would imagine some epic journey where Luke got hooked up with Chewy.  But I'm not sure if that is gay sex because Chewy isn't human.  

Frankly, the more that Disney messes with things.....it just seems like they screw up stories more.

2.  Some story going around that the Biden White House will push to deport non-Mexicans....into Mexico.


They may talk about it, but unless they are paying some kind of bribe for this to occur, I just don't see how it'll work.

Odds of some American accidentally getting into the non-Mexicans group and ending up south of the border?  I'd give it a ten-percent chance.

3.  Just odd....ABC did a poll asking people what President Biden has accomplished in past two years.  Sixty-two percent said 'nothing'.

I mean....if you handed people a 3 inch by 5 inch index card, and asked for accomplishments....they'd just hand it back 'BLANK' to you.

Odd?  Well....it just begs more questions.  

Thursday 9 February 2023

Four Observations

 1.  I watched probably 25 minutes of the State of the Union message.  Nothing much there. 

Lot of speed-slurring where President Biden lumped two minutes of text into one minute of verbal commenting.  It was like his mind was set on a 20-percent faster pace of speech.

2.  Odds of this George Santos guy in Congress....being expelled?  I'd say his odds went from 10-percent to 50-percent in the past couple of days.  Kinda funny....fake-Republican, that the Republicans themselves want to see gone.

3.  Just general depravity of society at present....shocking if you compare it to 1993.

4.  Just odd, in the middle of C-SPAN covering the Twitter hearings....signal got lost, and they cut to a repeat of the State of the Union Message.

Wednesday 8 February 2023

This Trump-Era Balloon Chatter

 One odd thing you notice....each time some idiot comes up to say there were Chinese balloon episodes during the 2017 to 2021 period, they never cite the year, the month or the day.

Another odd thing, on an average....there are 84,000 pilots/co-pilots in the air.  If any of them had noticed a balloon of this size....they would have talked about it via Twitter or reported it via FAA.  That never happened.

BS?  I'm more skeptical of the story now, than before.  

Tuesday 7 February 2023

What This Balloon Thing Is All About

 If you sit and ponder upon it....it's the fact that China can't develop and build a decent satellite spy camera.  So they've given up and gone to a cheaper technology weather balloon situation, with the camera taking a better picture, and relying it back 'home'.  

Ten Observations

 1.  This story of former Secretary of Defense Mattis (under Trump) saying that there was a Chinese balloon episode during Trump's period, but he refused to brief Trump on it? 

He might want to hire up a lawyer and prepare for trouble.  If asked about this, and admits that he might have briefed Speaker of the House Pelosi?  He'll drag down the entire leadership of the Democratic Party.  

This also begs the question....what else did he not brief Trump upon?

On the other hand....might all of this be BS?  One odd aspect....this balloon from last week was noticeable in the sky.  How was the previous balloon NOT noticeable?  

2.  When you use the term 'fossil fuels'.....is it really from fossils?

3.  CNBC says two out of three Americans living paycheck to paycheck.

4.  VP Harris: "I think that most of us who are devout public servants understand that we in government have great possibility in terms of the range at which we work as government."

I have no idea what she meant.

5.  I noticed that the Memphis city council (Shelby County Commissioners) stood up and said that they want "culturally competent therapists" assigned to the police department.

Not sure what they meant by culturally competent.....probably means you can't be Asian, white, or Hispanic.

6.  State of the Union drinking game rules?  If President Biden says 'I'm not joking', you have to do a shot of Vodka each time.  If he says 'Ultra MAGA', you have to do two shots per each time.

7.  If you were just born stupid.....there's no drug, no therapy and no transitional process to improve your situation.  

8.  What's the whole positive of the Chinese balloon business?  More or less....they have to admit that their efforts to make a decent camera for satellite pictures....has been crap.  

9.  NY City is apparently giving out free bus tickets.....to get migrants to Canada.

10.  These days....mentioning that you have a college degree....kinda measures up to admitting that you have some knowledge over septic tanks.  

Sunday 5 February 2023

Ten Things I Tend To Believe

 1.  After Fauci and crew decided to get some kind of 'gain-of-function' out of Covid....they really screwed up by going to China and having a marginalized lab (it probably looked good in pictures) to handle the work required, and to do so in a safe manner.

2.  The Chinese balloon 'trick' will become a weekly thing, and Biden will have a tough time doing his standard 'we are on it' speech.

3.  The term 'balloon-war' will replace 'cold-war' in our language.

4.  Sexualization has gotten so bad....that you start to think it's attached to weather reports, gas station attendants, and fast food clerks. 

5.  Complimenting people should be limited to just a few times a week.  You shouldn't go overboard and pump people up.

6.  Once the Pentagon guys get the balloon pieces back to some top secret lab in Dayton, Ohio....they will discover that virtually everything (even the balloon itself) was all American made.  This inventory will be stamped top-secret but end up in a NY Times exclusive article by Thanksgiving, 2023.  

7.  I suspect if you asked....roughly 98-percent of people will admit they've never been to a drag-show in their life.  If you asked strictly guys....more than 25-percent will respond they've been to topless bars, and 3-percent will admit they go monthly to a stripper bar.

8.  A new trend will develop in 2023, with a handful of women adding a third boob (through plastic surgical processes).  

9.  Even if ten facts were laid on the table that Hunter Biden had compromised 'dad' with China dealings....most Senators would be in absolute fear of impeaching him because you'd end up with Harris as President.  

10.  Someone will wake up and discover around the year 2040....that almost 99-percent of Biden's documents are still boxed-up at the Biden-Center, and the guy in charge admits that it's hard to find anything coherent that he wrote from his Senate period.  

Balloon-Buster PIlots

 This was a term coined in WW I, and the American with the most balloon kills was Frank Luke, which Luke AFB, AZ is named after.

I should also note that his tally adds up to fourteen balloons destroyed.  The guy with the most balloon kills?  Willy Coopens, Belgian guy, with 35 balloons 'killed'.

In those days, it was a big deal. 

The Balloon: Aftermath

 First, we will need a truth commission....probably a House committee.  It's mostly WH members, the Pentagon, NORAD, and the FAA dragged in.  When was the President alerted....what plans existed...who briefed what, and a bunch of BS.

Then in the middle of this 'mess'.....some officer will run in and brief the four-star....two more balloons now over Alaska.  

Second, at least twenty-five individuals within the Pentagon and Air Force are attempting to write medals over their heroic actions.  

Third, the Navy will say if they were in charge of things....they would have shot it down once it passed Alaska.

Finally, this will open up a long period of balloon launches....maybe reaching one-hundred per day, and the Pentagon constantly having to alert President Biden.....with him uttering 'get them things'.  Russia and North Korea will view the mess, and also start to launch their own balloons.  2023 will be known as the year of the 'balloon'.

Saturday 4 February 2023

Balloon Issues

 1.  Once you do shoot it down.....how will the Air Force write up the medal summary for Captain so-and-so?  

2.  Will the balloon create the necessity to create a balloon-command....out of Nebraska, with a balloon-warning center?

3.  As reporters yell 'balloon---balloon' at President Biden....does he think they are yelling 'bubbling---bubbling'?

4.  If some state governor takes action to cease the balloon....does he actually have that power or authority?

5.  Some Hollywood producer is likely working on a script now....for some invasion movie, or comedy....involving a balloon threat.  

What Triggers Irrational Behavior In People?

 Usually, there are four things:

1.  Drugs/booze.

2.  Stress. 

3.  A new and unique situation has unfolded, which does not meet the 'norm' that you accept or react to in some scripted way.  

4. People around you seem to bring in some new insight or created 'world', and you don't really show your skeptical side to 'protect' rational thoughts.

My Thoughts On The Chinese Ballon

 1.  Mr Kim of North Korea has to be kicking himself.  All this effort to make a missile, and now he sees how easy it is to construct a stupid balloon.  You could easily mount a mini-nuke on one of these....have a motor propeller to guide it, and have a ICNBB (Inter-Continental-Non-Ballistic-Balloon).  

There's probably a hundred guys in the Pentagon that realize the new threat emerging out of this episode.

2.  If you were a group of refugees in some country (way beyond Mexico or the Americas)....then you see a new avenue in reaching America.  Get a balloon, a pod for a dozen people, supplies for seven days), and just fly via a balloon into the US.

3.  I did feel sorry for the Air Force general having to explain to the reporters why they couldn't shoot the balloon down.  He's just following WH orders.

4.  I suspect this will be a weekly thing now....with a dozen-odd balloons being noticed and Biden unable to really talk about this.

5.  On my brilliant-ideas scale (1-to-10).....it's a rock-solid ten.  It's not a cheap balloon....my guess, probably up in the $20,000 level and with the hardware/communications situation, and the propeller?  They probably spent around $200k for this.  

Friday 3 February 2023

My Thoughts on 'Parasite' (the South Korean Movie)

 It is probably one of the top ten written pieces for a movie in the past forty years.  If you can find the movie, with the English sub-text....it's worth watching.

What I'll generally say....if you stopped it at the 30-minute point and were asked the direction that things were heading in the story.....you would be entirely wrong.  

If you stopped it at the 60-minute point....for a second time, saying you know how the story is heading....you would be entirely wrong again.  

Then you come to the final 12 minutes, where the movie flips you one more time.

Whoever crafted this story for movie, did an amazing job.  

The Thing About Classified Working Papers

 So, to explain this in simple detail.....when you go and read a classified document...you do one of two things at the end.

First, you could just go and improve your knowledge over the topic, or to have discussion with Captain so-and-so or Colonel so-and-so about the issue presented in the report.

Second, you go and write what I'd call a classified working paper.  This is where you take knowledge in the report you read...combining it with another classified report or two, and limit to this to no more than twenty lines.  This is meant to be used in briefing some 'boss' and getting them smart on the topic.  

As you take the material and put it into the classified working paper.....you stamp both the top and bottom with the highest classification of what you were reading.  You will have a declassify date on the bottom, and reference where you read the material (date, production group, etc). 

Yes, you treat the classified working paper....as classified.

So you gaze at President Biden's material and the way that the folks mentioned working materials (notes).

I'm guessing there are notebooks in the batch, and a hundred-odd pages of read material....with no classifications or references...but it's loaded with classified data.

What's the intent?

I would make this one single suggestion.....if you read through a 40-page report (classified) and it mentioned production problems in China....to make X, Y or Z....you might want to create a middle-man situation where you approach a Chinese guy and say.....I can arrange for this sensitive technology to be sold to you, if you paid my friend $10-million in cash.  Since cash is a bad idea....they will come back and just say.....why do we not hire your friend to be a board member....paying them $1-million a month, for ten months?

The FBI with these classified working papers?  Well....this would take (without references or dates)....at least 12 months....maybe even 24 months....to figure out the classification content. 

Legal trouble?  Once you get to the point of what the notes were about and how they were used....you'd have fed charges to deal with.  

Just me thinking here....but I think Joe Biden will have to offer up some pardon that goes to his brother and son, and then quietly resign....to get a pardon from 'President' Harris as he walks out.  

All the money that the Bidens made?  None of it to be paid back.....if you were wondering about that.

Did they even make a ton?  By the time you add up the angles, for over 30 years....it probably amounts to $300-million....just being middle men on various deals.  I wouldn't worry about Hunter....his profits went to cocaine, women and travel.  

It is kinda funny....how you wrote stupid working papers, and never destroyed them.  

Thursday 2 February 2023

Ethnic Chatter

 I was looking at data that the Census folks had....from 2013....and there's this statistic that I thought was interesting.

Roughly 28-percent of (average) Americans have some kind of Bachelor's degree.  

However, if you said Korean-American ethnic heritage....it's 53-percent.

If you were talking about Japanese-American, it's 46-percent.

If you were talking about Indian-American, it's 70-percent.

In that same time period, if you were talking about take-home pay....the average American took home around $56,200 a year.

But if you were talking about Taiwanese-Americans?  It's $82,500 a year.

Chinese-Americans?   $69,500.  

Begs the question....is there more effort put out by certain cultures?  

Ten Thoughts

 1.  It used to be in a random week, I'd see one item which would be identified (in my mind) as a conspiracy theory, and once a year....one became a non-conspiracy situation (meaning it was actually true).

In the past couple of months, I probably notice three conspiracy theories per day now, and at least three of them in a week....will eventually turn out to be true.  

What's really going on?

2.  We have a cult-like political spectrum now....with folks basing their their entire political ideology....on one single politician, and they live in fear that that one guy might suddenly disappear or go away.

3.  Ever noticed how often the term 'demystifying' now occurs in your day?  As a kid in Alabama....I probably heard the term used two or three times over a decade.  Today?  It's almost every single day....some guy or gal utters it.

4.  So the death of Lisa Marie Presley....was all about losing 50 pounds in a short amount of time?  

More or less.  Based on how it's described....I doubt if she consumed more than 500 calories a day of some milkshake and some pills to 'juice' her up with imaginary energy.  

Your body can only take x-amount of punishment.

5.  There's always....something fundamentally wrong, but you tend to waste an hour before you reach this conclusion.

6.  Maybe it's just me, but after the FBI has wasted around 10,000 man-hours hunting for Joe Biden's documents....seems like someone should get a bill for the 'service'.

7.  Ever gotten the feeling when listening to VP Harris...that she's lecturing at the level of a 7-year old kid?

8.  Some kind of political push going on in the Senate....over the Christmas period airline 'mess'.  Result will probably be a doubling of the mess for 2023's Christmas period.

9.  If you aren't paying attention to what's going on in Peru....it's about 75-percent of the way to an all-out civil war.  All of this...because the President wanted to dismiss the Congress there, and just run the country by decree....so he got arrested and thrown into jail.

10.  I started on the new HBO series...'The Last of Us'....topic of zombies, but done in a different sort of way.

Will admit....it's probably one of the better shows on TV at present.  

Wednesday 1 February 2023


 1.  The odds of Michelle Obama running in the 2024 Democratic Primary?

Name-recognition-wise?  She goes to the top of the line and probably gets one full-step ahead of Governor Newsom.  

Competency for the job?  Practically zero.  You'd be talking about a 3 x 5 inch index card for the past thirty years of her life.  But she was the wife of Barak Obama.

Selling this to black voters?  Maybe in 2008, this gimmick would have worked well...but I think 50-percent of blacks would just start laughing.

2.  This timeline for the FBI searching President Biden's records at the university....going to early-November?

Well....if you look at things, there must have been something to occur in mid-October to trigger interest, but no one seems to openly chat about that.

3.  What really happens when automation really does finally hit McDonalds?

A fully automated McDonalds (probably by 2030) will have no more than 3 on-shift employees....mostly to load equipment, and reset problems.  

The burger-flipper guys are going to be released, and find no one much needs them around.  A bunch of politicians will be all bothered by this mess, and try to find work for the burger-flippers.    

4.  My general prediction on the Tyre Nichols - Memphis business?

I'll predict shortly that one of the cops knew Nichols in some way, and this traffic stop was a pay-back situation that got out of control.  I'll also predict that the chief of police for the city....has to go (probably by mid-March), and she ends up either in Baltimore or Detroit.  

The Lab Chatter

 If you've been following Twitter the last couple of days....you might have noticed a fair amount of talk over bio labs in the Ukraine.

To simplify this, and lay this out....at the end of the Warsaw Pact days and shutdown of the Soviet Union (evolving into Russia)....all of the biological labs in the Ukraine were left 'free'.  

Someone, with a fair amount of money....walked in and laid some type of claim to them (not the Russians in this case, or the Oligarch folks).  This was rather simple, with just money attached to run various programs.  

If the data and maps are correct....more than twenty labs are funded in some way by the US government.  

Why?  It's probably a question to lay out to the Clinton, Bush, Obama Trump and Biden groups.  For the most part, I don't think the White House itself knows the total number or the amount used to keep the labs open, or the end-purpose of the labs.  

Where this goes?  Someone end up with a truth-commission, and this will be a problem in explaining why funding just kept coming.  

The Suffering/Guilt/Struggles of Being a Something/Something/Something Male

 Over the past three years, some trend has started up in the US, and it centers on someone announcing you or I having some guilt trip, or some advantage, or some lack of suffering....because we are something-something-something.  

I've tried to make sense out of it.

To be honest, I don't feel any guilt....other than (1) the guilt of having some abundance of common sense given to me in my youth, (2) struggled in being fairly skeptical throughout my life, (3) struggled a bit when offered a 2nd trip to the desert-bar, and (4) feeling some guilt over having traveled a bit further than most folks.

I used to work with a guy who had '2-AM-Guilt'....meaning he'd wake up and feel some pain in his head, and waste 90 minutes of time trying to make sense out of this feeling.  

The chief problem I see here....someone who has zero knowledge of me....trying to assign something/something/something to my lack of woes. It's like some idiot trying to give me advice over cigarettes'....when I don't smoke, or having some intellectual give me a hour-long lecture about my lack of respect for 'doom'.

I almost have a phobia building up now....over this fake struggle or fake suffering business.  I hit the mute button twice as much in 2023.....as I did in 2020.  

The sad thing here....it's those 6-percent folks....the ones that lingered and never did much in life, who now want me and the other 94-percent of folks to stand there and feel guilt.  

The same group wants me to bring my stupidity level down to their level....believe that they can fly or repurpose themselves into another sex, and they can suddenly be guilt-free. Things just don't work that way.


 1.  Nicki Halley (SC, GOP) running for President?  Simply a gimmick for the SC primary vote, and hoping to draw votes away from Trump in the primary.

I'll go and predict that she draws no more than 10-percent of the primary votes, with Trump well over 70-percent.  

2.  Surgeon General says that at age 13....you are too young to handle social media.  I would go a step further and suggest even at age 18 to 20....most folks are too young to handle it, and a handful of folks (10-percent) are still young and immature to handle it at age forty.

3.  Pentagon now says that AI has a major role in future operations.  Within twenty years, I'll predict that AI will be writing itself up for medals, and promotions.  

4.  The Gallup poll group....did a poll and asked Americans what the biggest problem was.  Response?  The US government was said to be the biggest problem.  


5.  Out of Memphis.....some rumor started up over this dead guy (Tyre Nichols) in relation to the five police.  The rumor says that Nichols was having some type of relationship with the wife/GF of one of the cops.  BS-meter?  I'd give it a '8' and say unless something more substantial comes out....it's just bogus.  However, it would explain a few things.

6.  Tennessee appears to be drafting up a bill that says...in the future....if you want to attend a drag-show, you need to be an adult (age 18).  

7.  Trump announced some campaign 'promise' to stop the chemical, physical, and emotional mutilation of kids. Frankly, even around working-class Democrats....probably 50-percent of them agree with this idea.