Saturday 6 July 2024

Ten Predictions

 1.  From now until mid-August....Joe Biden's campaign-fund gathering will be mostly flat, and this will be the true test for the Convention (where he will be dumped). Anyone's guess who is brought in (I'm still thinking Jamie Dimon is possible).

2  I will predict by late least three key Biden-campaign figures quit.

3.  Hamas-Israel 'war' if Trump wins?  I'll predict that Hamas goes into a crisis stage....asking for someone to lead them to a end-point .

4.  At least one state by the end of 2025, will have a law on the books to prevent private citizens from flying a US flag on their prevent people from getting 'triggered'.

5.  Polling at the end of 2025 will indicate that one American in one-hundred is consumed about wearing masks, and  spends at least $500 a year on their 'fetish'.

6.  Some university study will come out in 2025 to reveal, after a 12-hour officially need seven days to recover from jet-lag.  

7.  The most stupid thing that Putin could achieve in his 'war' to kill off 1-million young/middle-age men, and chase 2-million men out of the country permanently.  The Russian landscape in 30 years?  Probably a population drop of 30-percent.  

8.  You will come to realize whatever bank you do business with in 2025....virtually everything you do has a 'fee' attached, and they will offer you a 'all-in-one' fee of $300....which half of us probably will be forced to take.

9.  Charles Barkley runs for Alabama governor in 2026, and wins.

10.  TikTok users advance to a new trend.....throwing lawn-darts at each other, and wounding a hundred juveniles a week with the 'game'.

The Thing About Jet-Lag

 My first ever airline trip was August of boot-camp  in Texas. If I had jet-lag (at age 18).the Air Force didn't care.  They woke me up at 5:30 AM the next morning and the adventure started.

Throughout my 20s and 30s....I never noticed any issues with jet-lag.  Approaching forty....these travel  days where I got up at 4 AM....showing up at the airport at 8 AM, and flew a 9-hour flight (back into the US)....that's where I started to notice 'burn-out'.

So this week when Joe Biden hyped-up jet-lag....yeah, he might have a point, but if you said that the guy had seven-plus days to chill out and recover?  Well....that's mostly all BS.

All this BS make reporters ask how the President will recover after any flight activity.  Then they will eventually get  to the question....are you too old for all this travel required in the job? 

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Six Q-and-A

 1.  Are there black-jobs? 

Yes, of course.  Same as there being dumb-ass just for for 5th-grade graduates, and cooking jobs for non-cooks.

2.  Is there really any problem with having Harris as President?

Nope.  In fact, I think CNN and most journalists would just stop covering the White House after two weeks, and we'd all be better off with less coverage.

3.  Any truth to the matter that some news folks are attempting a poll with only Dementia folks, to see if Joe Biden is their pick?


4.  Did 'they' (the whole Democratic Party elite) miscalculate with Donald Trump?

Well....I think up until 2016....they were used to stupid lawyer types running for office for the most part.  'Speech-givers' and 'mystical-Jesus-types'....who oozed charisma in one-gallon buckets.

Along comes Trump who understands the act of persuasion, a guy who actually reads the Wall Street Journal, and can spend an entire hour talking about business, commerce, and the economy.   When the North American Free-Trade Agreement was built up and set loose upon the US economy like some 'demon'....he understood the impact, and the massive anger that infected the nation.  

The 'kids' from the Republican and Democratic Parties?  They were standing there and unable to grasp how well Trump was accepted, or the amount  of stamina that he had for  the 'game'.  

At this point? There's just not many 'tricks' left in the bag, and for some reason....Biden isn't among the 'tricks'.

5.  Some fed 'push' to create a massive 'free' hot-spot WI-FI access across the nation?

I sat and read the idea....would be gifted out to communities  that you'd consider 3rd-world-like or bottom of the economic class.   How you'd determine a barrier to only help the poorest of the poor?  Unknown.

6.  If Joe Biden has dementia.....can he legally take classified with him as he leaves office?

I've been contemplating this question for a year now.  Usually, all Presidents take classified with them as they retire and it's for their 'records'.  If he is mentally unfit....who actually is going to read the material?