Wednesday 25 September 2024

College Chatter


Back in 2011, I worked with a guy who had a 18-year old daughter...about to finish high school, and had been accepted to James Mason (a prestigious university in Virginia).

There was one was contingent that she come in on a Saturday and take two tests....English grammar and math assessment.

Dad drove her over.  She tested, and the scores were figured shortly after that....with a face-to-face meeting with a school official set for two hours later.

So here's the end of the story.

The girl....who had remarkable grades for the final four years of school....failed both tests.  Her dad sat there in disbelief and asked how.

College official pointed out....the last math course she took in high school....was in the 10th grade.  In both the 11th and 12th grade....she took mostly science-related courses. 

Looking at her accomplishments in English grammar.....the last plain grammar class she took....was in the 9th grade.  She had taken French literature, romance novels, and a poetry-related class....for the 10th, 11th and 12th grade.

What all of this meant?  The college official said she'd have to take a regular high-school-level math and English class in the first year at the college....with zero college credit.  Cost factor?  Around $350 for each class.  Ability to finish school in four years?  Pretty much crapped out, unless she took a summer period as a add-on.

This guy and I talked over the waste of time, of which we both agreed.

So I asked.....if you'd known of this problem....would you have taken her to some tutor for a weekend to  prep for the two stupid tests?  OH YEAH was the response.....guessing it would have cost $500 for a max-knowledge-dump.   

All of this makes me wonder....just how many kids are showing up and can't function at 12th-grade high school level?   A quarter of the folks?  More?