Wednesday 13 July 2022

St#rbucks Chatter

 I noticed this St*rbucks story is closing down 16 operations in the US....due to drug-trafficking.  

Last on the list?  The Union Station in DC.  Twice in my life (2010 and 2013) I was in the station.

Generally, the whole station is a drug sales 'candyland'.

You sit and sip through a coffee and would notice at least five to ten drug dudes operating, within fifty feet of the shop.  

No fear of the police.

The necessity of operating within the station?  I pondered upon that.  I don't think they wanted to be outside of the station, or in the subway.  It just seemed to me that various 'friends' were alerting them when cops were positioned.  


  1. I heard from my daughter that Starbucks was closing stores because of the union trying to enlist the workers to join. Nothing to do with the drug problems. Maybe the drugers were trying to start a union and getting the Starbucks workers to join up? And Starbucks did not want to unionize.

  2. The union thing is going on and there's been some Starb*cks afftected by this trend.

    This 16-group....all in what I'd call heavy metro areas, where drug episodes were overwhelming. I was around two of the Seattle area 'mentions' way back in the early 1980s....before drugs were prevalent. They were tourist-magnet areas then. Today? Probably drug-magnet zones.

    If we went state by state, we could probably identify over 500 areas in the US which ought to be 'no-go' zones to avoid because of drugs. My home-state of Alabama...there's probably a dozen areas now in the state which should be avoided.

  3. FOR YOUR INFO: "Whoever controls the media controls everything"
    It’s now legal to lie to the American people…… Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 (SMA): Put simply, our government was permitted to lie to people in other countries, but not to us here at home. The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act (SMMA), ………..BURIED in the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (Obama’s term): REPEALED the 1948 Smith-Mundt Act: allowed the same propaganda disseminated by our government to foreign publics, to now be released in the U.S. for the very first time. OUR government is also now ALLOWED to CREATE PROPAGANDA tailored specifically for U.S. public consumption, using ANY media as it sees fit, while remaining ANONYMOUS as to the source of the material being reported.
