1. Over the past couple of months....I've heard the comment 'the Carter-Economy' probably forty times. If you are over the age of sixty....you probably remember various details of the 1970 and how crappy things were for about 18 months.
The idea that Biden is following the script and presenting the 'Carter-Economy' all over again? Well....you'd think that he was there and in the middle of it. He ought to have remembered the period.
2. Obama helping out much in this election period? Well....he is showing up almost daily for the past two weeks, but I can't see much improvement with him on the campaign trail for a couple dozen folks.
3. Someone added it up....kid from age six to eighteen spends around 15,000 hours in school, or traveling to/from school. They didn't suggest the real pay-back.....some kids are marginally educated by the end of 15,000 hours....some probably peaked around 8,000 hours.....and some probably would have been ready to move by 12,000 hours. Just something to think about.
4. This speech to be done by Biden at Union Station in DC? Shaking my head over the pick of the location.
Around 2011....I spent an afternoon walking around the station interior and the neighborhood. The city subway system passes through there. On a grade of crappiness....one to ten.....I'd give the station area a '5'. Lot of homeless folks around.....lot of dope-dealers there. It's a place that I'd exit my train and get to the city subway system quickly.
If you were asking me about standing there for 20 minutes to hear the President speak? No....wrong place to hang out.
5. If you haven't paid any attention in the past month.....whole bunch of Chinese folks who were industry-production types....packed up bags and started their walk 'home'. It's reached a point where Covid regulation has screwed-up production and you are going to see a major problem in getting products on the shelf of your US store in 90 to 150 days.
6. CDC has replaced the 'term' woman.....with the term 'pregnant-person'. Makes as much sense as addressing your housecat as a 'miniature lion-creature'.
7. Biden has claimed he spoke to the inventor guy of insulin in his youth. Just one problem.....Biden was born a year after the guy died.
So either it didn't happen.....or that some bogus guy just came up to Biden-the-kid and claimed he was this insulin dude, or it was a ghost.
(personally, I like the third possibility)
8. Dose of reality: disinformation has probably been around for more than 8,000 years.