Tuesday 30 July 2024

What I Think The November Election Will Come Down To?

 Three things have shifted a fair number of votes:

1.  Migration/immigration effects in metro cities like Chicago and NYC.  Locals with Democratic leadership in full view....are peeved. This crisis will go back to Biden's record, or lack of a record.

2.  A banking crisis with commercial real estate in a mess....banks holding failed property and unable to dump it for the value assigned.  This trend....with 200-plus banks in failure status...will be leading FDIC to admit they don't have the funds to cover each person's bank accounts. 

3. A lot of the Harris AG and SF prosecutor 'history' will be laid out and it probably won't be a positive resume to brag about.

So I will add this one odd factor....RFK Jr probably will take one out of ten Democratic votes.  

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