Sunday 14 July 2024

Yeah, About That Guest

 So I read through a social media comment yesterday and it's been on my mind.

This guy (I assume he's 40) is married, and has 3 kids.  One of the kids is college age...the others are like 10 and 13.  Let's call him 'Bob'.

Marty (his college kid son) has come home for the summer period and brought his girlfriend...who apparently can't go to her home because of parent problems.  

'Bob' (the dad) is approached by the son a day or two into the stay.  Bob has no problem with the girlfriend staying....even sleeping in the same bed as Marty.  

But Marty has come to speak to mom and dad.

The girlfriend (we're name her Lyra)....has 3 problems.

First, Lyra is a vegan and she wants to observe her normal diet, and while visiting....she wants them (Bob and his wife....with the two other kids) to also try to practice this diet.

Second, Lyra had a home-life that was difficult...because both her parents were heavy drinkers.  Apparently Bob enjoys a beer or two after work.  So Lyra says either he drinks in private (I guess the garage) or out of view of her.

Third, Bob is a hunter and has a few wall trophies.  They don't see what type....just that Lyra wants them taken down while visiting.

The son's chat with dad doesn't go well.

I pondered over this meeting and Lyra.

I'm retired Air Force and probably had over two dozen people I worked with in my life....who had this type of event occur.  One mother-in-law story involved a guy I worked with....who smoked 1.5 packs of smokes a day, and preferred to smoke inside the house....which my co-work had an ironclad rule....if you smoke, you do on the patio.

I had another co-worker who had a out-of-work cousin come to visit....who objected to any form of cursing in the house (both my co-worker and her husband were the type to utter profanity at least ten times an hour each).  

Me?  I'm a nice guy about guests....I'm willing to offer up premium coffee, premium water, and premium beer. As long as there is an established arrival date and establish leave date....I'm pretty flexible.  If you need to do some prayers or get a few minutes of personal time in the toilet....fine.  I'm even willing to spend extra to buy the 5-star toilet paper.

Asking me to accept vegan stuff? just ain't going to happen.  The beer thing?  I might be willing to drink a beer on the patio.

My real problem is that once you find that I might bend on a request or two....will you be coming back tomorrow to ask for more things?  

I felt sorry for Bob and the wife, and even the two younger kids.  The son with the vegan girlfriend?  I'm pretty sure this relationship is doomed.....although I wouldn't be that blunt with the son over this.

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