Friday 2 August 2024

Just Things I Notice In My Older Age

 1.  About one-third of folks just shouldn't be public figures,  political types, or journalists....because they can't concentrate enough to say a very limited amount of words.  

2.  I think 70-percent of people between ages 18 and 30....aren't on a budget, and just accidentally still have money left at the end of the month.

3.  Sometimes....just two lines of text is enough to send a message.

4.  The median age of a Fox News viewer is 69.  Just begs the this the only channel at old-folks homes?

5.  It just seems like people are getting more into they age.  I'm mostly the hard-ass nature has doubled since age 60.

6.  The whole selling point to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)?  Basically, you get 'programmed' in some way to accept lesser people (qualification-wise) in positions.

So you walk into a bank and find that the teller can't give you any competent feeling over your money.  Or you walk into a pharmacy and ask a technical question....with the bachelor-degree pharmacist unable to answer.  Or you go to a mechanic....who doesn't seem to know much about cars.  So the DEI  program is there to teach you to accept this fact and not challenge the fact that society is getting more stupid.

7. There is just nothing wrong in being arrogant or an ass-hole...after age 65.

8.  It just seems like a lot  of people want to talk about and share their distress.  I'd offer the advice....try to give them 60 seconds of free time to talk over this....then settle up the 'score' and tell them times were tough in the 1970s....people didn't seem to whine much in those years.

9.  There's about 500,000 man-hours being spent by political hacks, Senators, House members and their staffs....yearly....which leads you down of path of marginal accomplishments.  

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