Thursday 22 August 2024

Seven Things

 1. I've watched a couple of clips of the Democratic Convention.  I'll just say in blunt-talk....what you generally see missing is any chatter about economic success in America...that someone can BELIEVE in, for the past 3.5 years.

This oddly about a tripped-up economy.  Biden should have hired a dozen 'Einsteins' on day one and told them...manage the economy for me and make it a total success story.  

2.  Just ODD...from AP.....the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says there is a link of some type with fluoridated drinking water giving a 2 to 5 point IQ drop in kids.

3.  Amusing.....the structure chosen for the Dem Convention....has private cabins/suites on the upper decks....normally for the VIP guests of sports events.  So to get one of these for the had to pay $500k   So the industry/ultra-rich folks who were being written into the nightly scripts to be REGULATED....were likely sitting there and knowing no idiot is going to regulate them in the end....because they paid for a front-row seat.

4.  I watched a discussion this AM.....generally when you walk into a cafe for a coffee....the internet within the cafe was 'FREE'.  At some location in the US....the cafe folks established a 'fee' program for the Wi-Fi.  Even if you bought the was not enough for the Wi-Fi.  Figured cost?  In the $2-range.  The business side figures you will pay.  I'm not that sure about the tactic.

5.  The downfall of Gov Newsom of California?  It's mostly about a crappy downfall over SF and LA.  Well....if you look at Gov Walz and Minneapolis's's the same basic story.  There is no difference between Minneapolis and SF....if you really spend time looking over the two urban areas.

6.  I noticed that the DNC held some kind of tell people how to recognize 'sneaky' Republicans who might try to infiltrate a Democratic meeting.  

It reminded me in a way of religious cults and how you work to keep the non-cultists 'out'.

7.  On this talk of Kam's idea for a new tax on unrealized gains...there was no suggestion on what to do in a massive slump/recession....when unrealized losses occurs (meaning the gov't is screwed big-time). 

1 comment:

  1. Seven:
    The kamster is irrelevant.
    The government agents are irrelevant.
    All those residents of inner-city slums are irrelevant.
    On the Survival Boards forum, somebody got hysterically terrorfied and started this thread:
    * 'After the collapse, what do I do about goofballs camping in my yard!'
    Some responses discussed giving them a can of tuna or a bag of rice, then asking them to leave.
    Some responses discussed hiring them to work the gardens.
    My response:
    * "In discussions with folks at feed-stores and livestock auctions, I get the impression the goofballs will go floppy the first half-hour.
    The goofballs camping in your yard is a non-issue."
