Thursday 22 August 2024

Signs Of 2025 Being A Repeat Of 1929?

 I probably spend a minimum of 1.5 hours a day reading over finance, business and commerce news (across the globe).  I'm I can afford to 'waste' my time.

I've probably read four books over the 1920s since 2018, and it's fascinating to view how the 1920s formed a 'doomed-or-die' landscape for the end of 1929.

Between the insurance crisis existing currently (for cars and homes)....a condo crisis in Florida....companies letting people go.....restaurants in a state of collapse  because of pricing for dinners...crime....and at least thirty-other-odd problems...there's a banking crisis brewing.  

In some ways.....there's a staged 'delay' agenda in the get things past the election and likely to be a collapse of 1929-proportation coming in early 2025.  Yeah, I'd even go and say it'll be a epic moment where we downsize our lives, and go into a hibernation type reaction (maybe for a year or two).

The ability of the Treasury to sell US Treasury notes/ gift people money to climb out?  There's virtually no one left to buy the notes/bonds....unless the Vanguard, Blackrock people saw some incentive to waste their money on their act.

My general advice?  Three things: Plan your life on meager limits (the eat-beans-and-rice mentality)....for at least a year.  If there isn't a massive cut in government services/cost.....prepare for a 3-to-5 year depression.  Prepare for relatives/kin-folks to ask for sleeping space/help....and your patience to be drilled-down-upon to extremes.

The people with 'weak-guts'? They will be pushed to the extremes  and need 'coaching' daily.

The survivors?  They will be the ones who had limited debt to enter this period, and had a head-start on being frugal.

1 comment:

  1. We operate a small organic teaching farm near the outskirts of Eugene Oregon.
    We share the acreage with a couple-three dozen other workkampers in various versions of home-built HouseTrucks and RecreateVehicles.
    At meals and puttering around the property, we constantly 'game' events.
    "If, then" types of discussions about scenarios.
    Although each of us deeply identify as nomadic, none of us have any desire to leave the farm.
    Why would we?
    Travel to some inner-city slum for a visit to a museum... probably not.
    Travel to some inner-city slum for a fancy restaurant meal... probably not.
    The only reason to travel to some inner-city slum... bringing a picnic lunch and lawn-chairs so we can watch the rioters.
    Or the addicts.
    A few months ago, I thought maybe city-folk should contain their city-limits with fences.
    Become a self-contained city-state.
    I over-looked one minor issue:
    " the only people left in a city are probably incapable of resilience or sustainable anything,
    * many of them can barely stand up on their hind legs.
