Sunday 4 August 2024

So Imagine You Were A SF Junkie Now

 The cops come up with some sanitation guy and they start to dismantle your tent.  You argue....'what-the-hell'.

The cop has a 12-line sheet as he reads off the mayor's order.  In simple terms, you have two choices....accept a city-run facility with drug-rehab or mental-health-mandated care...OR you accept a bus-ticket to any town in America.

Depending on the time of day and how drugged-up you are trying to comprehend the 'deal' offered.

You figure.....well....they aren't serious.  So you back out on the street....beg off another tent and some gear from another fake charity operation, and pitch the tent 12 blocks away from the last location.

A week goes by, and the same cop comes up with another sanitation truck crew...confiscating this tent and gear.....offering you the same deal again.

You might be drugged-up enough to repeat the new tent strategy one more time.

So around the 3rd or 4th finally figure have to take deal one or deal two.

A true junkie would never consider drug-rehab.  So you opt for the ticket.  Where do you go?  Well...out of a hundred folks....I would make this guess.

Sixty-percent will go to LA.  Twenty-percent will select either Portland or Seattle (mostly because of the open-drug mentality or nice weather).  Ten-percent might just ask for a cab-ride over to Oakland and try to stay local.  The rest?  They might try to resettle back east....maybe DC, NY City, Philly, or Chicago.

In the old wrestling world....there was always a once-a-year event where Junkyard-Dog or Tommy Rich would agree to some 'loser-must-leave-town' script and disappeared for two or three months....then reappeared with a mask...pretending to be the 'Masked-Avenger'.  This SF gimmick reminds me of that era.

All of this being done too late to really fix/cure SF?  Well...that's my end-analysis.  I think this should have been done in 2010.  So the billions wasted in SF over 20 years....setting the city deep into a Detroit-path?  Yeah.    

1 comment:

  1. "...too late to really fix/cure [any city]..."
    Probably a quarter-century ago, I recognized the non-sustainableness of cities.
    All those residents, vulnerable, intentionally and profoundly choosing to exist in a state of helplessness, lethally susceptible to any reduction in services.
    I think the lawless dystopia vividly apparent in every city is a reasonable response to RulingParasites disregarding the 'laws' they create to manipulate their subjects.
    As their subjects realized nobody intended to enforce those 'laws', spitting on tourists and side-walk 'rest-stops' suddenly became normal.
    Based on the evidence, I think cities attract the 'lowest common denominator' [in America, that is an insulting way to describe a half-wit armpit-sniffer]
