Wednesday 18 September 2024

Just A Humble Thought

 As the smoke clears on 6 November 2024....I generally expect now for Trump to be declared the winner.  Yeah, there will be six states with counting problems, but I suspect those six will clear mostly for Trump.  So the analysis will start up and these five reasons declared as Kamala Harris problems:

1.  Tim Walz was not a plus-up for VP candidate.  Between the goofy behavior, his wife, the military record deal, and handling of the riots in the state....he didn't improve the 'ticket'.

2.  Kamala Harris, in the eyes of roughly 25-percent of American voters....was a unknown.

Other than standing around for 4 years as VP.....a lot of people simply couldn't say much of what she did....which was remarkable.

3.  Flipping Joe Biden to Kamala Harris at the last minute?  This will  be talked  about for decades, and deemed a big mistake.  

Joe should have said back in the fall of 2023.....he was not running, and allowed the primary system to work, as designed.

4.  Whoever in the White House made the decision to allow the economy to go off in a crappy way for the past year or two....deserves some blame.  Same story with the migration  strategy.....they goofed up and allowed problems to mount against Joe Biden and Kamala  Harris.

5.  Finally, starting all these legal matters against Trump....probably was one of the weirdest strategies ever.  

But adding to these situations....the key factor that changed the race?  Twitter being bought by Elon Musk.  You could analyze this a thousand times....and the original crew thinking they could damage Twitter enough that it'd never recover....were remarkably wrong.  In the end, without much thought....they made Elon some Jesus-like character, and he was up to the task.

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