Thursday 5 September 2024

My Eight Observations of Propaganda

 1.  Literally anyone (even your local church minister, your boss at the tire-shop, or your landlady) can produce or distribute propaganda.

2.  Sometimes....the sole purpose of propaganda is to keep you confused.  

3.  Sometimes, the sole purpose of propaganda is to convince you to buy a product.  After realize it is a great product.

4.  If you started counting upon sun-up.....over a 18-hour day, you probably get a minimum of twenty 'acts' of propaganda.

5.  It's possible to get pro-propaganda and anti-propaganda....on the same subject, with both being fictional or made-up.

6. We are probably reaching a stage where a phobia now exists with propaganda....meaning you have an irrational fear of any propaganda.

7.  Sometimes, it makes sense to make you think that you are getting a dose of propaganda....when it is in fact....totally true.

8.  If you have a moderator and a panel of five people....who are saying basically the same 'slant' on the's a 99-percent chance that they are giving you a 'dose' of propaganda.

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