Saturday 21 September 2024

Ten Humble Feelings

 1.  This 2nd Trump shooter....seems to travel a good bit....yet has no real income.  Just odd, I think.  Either he's hooked-up to the CIA, or doing money-laundering for some folks.

2.  This week, there was a fair amount of talk about fake musicians....making AI-songs, and getting rich off the 'income'.  Imagine a fake Johnny Cash now existing and making $250,000 a year off AI.

3.   While some consider these talks by Kamala Harris to be 'torture'....I'm getting to the point of enjoying them....but I have to admit.....20 minutes is probably the max I can handle per day.  It's like watching a rocket-scientist guzzling half-a-bottle of whiskey and wondering how things will go in the chat.

4.  I expect some poll to arrive by November...saying 88-percent of aliens support Trump  over Kamala.  At least 1-percent of Americans will believe the poll.

5.  Whenever someone says the word 'fast-track'....I tend to question what they mean, and if their 'fast-track' meaning might equate to five years.

6.  Eventually, people that vote illegally....will end up getting a court summons, and come to grasp that by the time they pay a lawyer....just to represent them....they are $5,000 in debt  and likely to spend three months in some county-jail.

7.  You ever about 75-percent of Kamala Harris appearances....she wears a scarf?  

8.  To be honest, on influence of hyped-up Hollywood stars....about 99-percent of the time....I don't pay much attention unless they are talking about bar-b-q sauce or toilet paper.

9.  There seems to be some holy-angel factor going on with he's got 12 angels deployed around himself constantly.

10.  I noticed a poll done in the UK....since Covid ended....about one-third of people don't really care about their work or their productivity.  

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