Thursday 12 September 2024

Ten Humble Thoughts

 1.  I think you can line up 10,000 voters and ask if Taylor Swift's political endorsement matters, and  you probably will get five people to stand and admit so.  The problem is....'dead-Elvis' could endorse as well, and get the same five.  

2.  If somebody out there is catching and eating cats.....there's at least a dozen diseases that you might introduce to yourself, one of which is ringworm.  Just got a bad feeling that some health alert in 2025 is going to occur, and suggest a national 'problem'.

3.  Reading through Denver news.....locals now say in some 'way'....the city of Denver (had to have city council support)....sent money budgeted for refugee-support.  If there is an audit....will be curious how you explain this.

4.  I went back to count questions to VP Harris in the debate....under the status of 'dodging' (avoiding an answer)....I'd say my count got up to 4-plus.  It's not a bad habit (President Biden does this 60-plus percent of the time).  The problem is....compared against 1980s....the majority of voters recognize this habit now and laugh over it.

5.  I don't really care if you need to offer up prayers once, or twice a day...but if you asked me if I want to join-in or response will be no.  I'm a pretty heavy believer in fate/luck.  

But when you get to rituals or offering up animal sacrifices....I'm probably going to tell you in a harsh way to up-and-leave.

6.  My thoughts on Hillary Clinton in 9-11's NY City event in 2016....where she was rushed off to the 'house'?

She has a bladder up early....consumed limited water prior to leaving for the 9-11 event that morning.  About 90 minutes into walking around....she was dehydrated and NOT consuming water.  She announced to the Secret Service that she probably had about 10 minutes before she was to collapse, and they got her out.

No big deal....but then you'd ask about the bladder problem and why she can't sip water at the 9-11 event.  The response would be.....there's no public toilet there, and that is the central problem to the whole discussion.

7.  What cost George Bush (#1) the vote?  The crappy economy, and Ross Perot.  I see a lot of that election situation existing in 2024.

8.  I sat and watched this AM....a video of a young immigrant lad in the Netherlands, who'd removed all his clothing and approaching several Dutch police.  After a warning or Dutch cop fired his taser-gun and missed the chest area....hitting the poor guy in the him a full dose charge.

I'm not sure of his condition after the event, but I might assume 'Marty' might be sore for several weeks, and require some surgery 'help' later.

Why nude?  Well...temperatures are in the 50s (F), and he seemed a bit confused (like drug-use).

9.  The more dishonest you are....the least likely you are to desire a honest 'boss' or leader.

10.  I have a slight interest in Portland and Oregon politics (note, no, I'm not from the region....nor have I ever lived there).  Folks just seem ultra-weird there (more so than from Alabama).

So this AM, I noted that a new person is talking about running for mayor of Portland (to replace 4-star loser Ted Wheeler).  

The new person? Carmen Rubio.  

So here's the odd factor about Rubio....she is a lefty to some degree....but I noticed the locals talking about her history in parking tickets and traffic violations.....saying she's passed the 150 citations point (took a lot of effort).  Then someone said Rubio had a minimum of six driving license suspensions.

Purely on insurance risks....I'd question if any company would insure her vehicles. 

But people in Portland need someone with a weird character, and if they could just hire up a full-time driver for Rubio....I think this could work out..

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