1. Both Joe and Jill Biden voted for Donald Trump. Call me crazy....but I think the way they were pushed-out....gave the a ton off anger.
2. By the time we get around to the next UK national election (Aug 2029)....one out of 12 Brit adults will have been charged with a hate-crime. The amount of anger and hostility will have reached a level where one out of four Brits would like to approach the US as a state.
3. MSNBC will be sold by spring of 2025, and likely dump 90-percent of its political chatter news.
4. The cruise company offering 4-year cruises to Trump-anxiety-sufferers.....will find 500 people interested in the deal, and the bulk of them (400-plus) will sign up.
5. Almost ALL of green-energy loans given out by the Biden administration...within 12 months, will be deemed failures and written off. At least 100 individuals connected to these failures will be dragged into court and end up admitting that some elements of the loan....were simply money-laundering.
6. Research will show more than 2,000 Chicago black residents in fear of themselves being deported....reacting to the mayor's chatter. Fake letters from some non-existent gov't department will arrive by spring....asking residents to present evidence they were born in the US.
7. More than forty US Senators/House members....are identified by the end of 2025.....as 'con-artists'.
8. More than 12,000 Americans are arrested for phystical violent behavior related to anti-Trump syndrome in 2025. Some will end up with multiple years in prison.
Larry Kudlow on Fox Business news also said he thought the Biden voted for Trump