Wednesday 27 June 2018

News Stuff

Republicans thinking the news media is pumping out fake news?  92%
Democrats thinking the news media is pumping out fake news?  53%

Well....that's basically how you got to this point of today, with Trump sitting in the White House.

The question this beyond the point of no-return?  You know.....where it really doesn't matter who CNN brings in, or which hot-lady that ABC hires, or which five-person group that MSNBC presents on Sunday mornings.

The curious thing, if you realize as the VP of news production that no one is watching, and the ad revenue business is marginal.....why would you pay ten-million to some idiot who the public doesn't trust? 

For the political folks, if the news guys can't carry your theme or message....what the heck can you do? And the crazy part of this story?  Over 50-percent of Democrats agree with Republicans. 

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