Tuesday 6 April 2021

Talking Tax Woes

 I looked over a NY Post story today....NY state is wrapping up a special 'ultra-rich' tax....to bring in five-billion more dollars a year.  

Helping the 'exit' from the state?  I would suggest that whoever was remaining in NY....have the accountant adding up the amount of 'pain' dumped upon them, and figuring....where is the 'line' to leave?

It would be different if you had mild winters, 250 days of sunshine a year, almost no criminal behavior, and restaurants/bars completely open.  I just don't see a guy who makes $100-million a year....appreciating the tax increase.  

The 'gift' money from President Biden to shore up debt?  That really just bought them a minimum amount of time to resolve the slow flow of state tax money.  

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