Tuesday 12 April 2022

Zombie Thoughts

 Since the fall of 2010, I've had this weird interest in this TV show....the 'Walking Dead' (the series over zombies).  I admit....it's just a weird show, and it's become like a soap opera than anything else.  So, there are ten things that I've learned or figured out via the TV series:

1.  Basically, once your group gets to around sixteen people.....that's it for organization and avoiding stress/chaos.  A group of forty or more.....starts to put all kinds of demands on folks.

2.  In such a situation, the best place to locate to?  An island with little to no bridges.

3.  Black guys (at least from the show prospective)....seem to have the worst of luck.  Older white guys seem to want mass organization (lead-the-world situations).

4.  By day 155.....pretty much all beer will have been consumed and you need to find smart guys who know how to brew.

5.  No one seems to worry about birth-control or having relations with crazy women, or cousins.

6.  No one seems concerned that the NFL, NBA or pro-wrestling went 'away'.

7.  You never seem to see anyone lit up on heron, cocaine, or cannabis.

8.  Somewhere around day 488.....the toilet paper situation ought to become dire.

9.  People seem to be getting along fine without CNN, WaPo, or any news.

10.  You just get the impression that kids with a 5th grade education probably are about as far as you are going to get in zombie-times.  

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