Sunday 19 June 2022


 I noticed this odd story.....NBC News was out in Nevada....doing people-chats for primary business.

Around 2-dozen people interviewed.....more urbanized counties (not the rural areas).

So the question came up....did the DC J6 hearings affect you?

Vast majority answered 'no'.....then some of them went to a second comment....that the J6 hearings actually converted them to be more anti-Democrat.  

From what I've watched of the J6 hearings (bits and pieces).....if you wanted some resemblance to Watergate/ was not there.  

I'm not saying it's 1-star pony show.....but whatever mileage they felt they'd get....was a zero-gain.  I'd also suggest that maybe two more shows will be enough for the Democratic leadership to suggest a halt.  

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