Sunday 6 November 2022

A November State of Mind

 Leaves would be on the ground, and usually pushed into piles....where you'd light a fire and have a leaf burning (at least before environmentalism took place or drought made the fall activity a fire hazard).

This would be the period after Halloween where temperatures finally reached a point that you pulled out sweaters, winter jackets and warm caps.

This would be the lead-up to the 'thrilling' Charlie Brown Thanksgiving cartoon...where you felt some holiday feeling.

Pecans would start to be cracked and made into pie.

This month would end with the Macey's day parade on TV, and some wish to one day travel to New York see the parade in person.  

This is the month where it was overcast and mostly cloudy.

Finally, the least of all things on your mind....was politics.  Things have changed a good bit here in 2022.  


  1. it's the Jews for sure. scumbags all vote democrat for more wars.

    1. Those persons of the jewish religion are merely more puppets... the same with pretty much anybody:
      * If we know their names, they are puppets.
      * If we are aware of their organizations, they are puppets.
      * If they pretend to make 'law' or tell us about it on televisionprogramming, they are puppets.
      The entity jerking their strings is the same as always.
      It has a definition -- evil.
