Saturday 8 April 2023

Draft Bill

 There's a Alabama draft bill circulating around now....mandating a high school class be taught on finance.  Topics?

- The types of bank accounts available and how to open and manage their own account

= How to balance a checking account

= How to manage credit cards and debt

- How to evaluate different types of loans

- The types of insurance policies

- How taxes work

= How to calculate interest rates

= Types of contracts

= Types of saving and investment tools

Odds of passing?  Unknown.

Necessity?  If you went to most 18-year old kids....they have no idea how local, state and federal taxes work.  If you asked even 25-year olds.....on loans....they'd have little to no knowledge.

I'd even include a 30-minute session on college degree debt and the true value of a degree versus debt obligation.  

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