Tuesday 6 June 2023


 1.  With the UFO chatter from yesterday....leaning toward admitting that civililan companies likely have been on a reverse technology development path for 70-plus years....what's next to happen?

I expect Congress to eyeball which companies are in the mix, and by September....have them walked in and forced to make statements.  Based on the timeline....I'd say half of the 2024 Presidential campaign will be over the UFO business and whether Biden/whoever....is willing to finally admit things.  

Yes, just an odd development.

2.  Are there just more people who are nuts on planes and at airports?

I'd say in the past twenty years....with drug use (high THC weed) and tranquilizers....somewhere in the range of 10-percent of passengers are potentially a threat on planes now.  But after their behavior and paperwork wraps up....they are on a permanent list of no-fly folks.  Maybe it's a positive thing.

3.  This UK-military decision....to issue out multiple military ID to the same people, who claim some days they are women, and some days they are men...where this lead onto?

In theory, with 70-odd genders....you could have a bag on you....with 70-odd military IDs.  

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