Wednesday 22 May 2024

The 'Show'?

 I sat today and pondered over this....the Biden campaign team announced that they will be holding a TREMENDOUS rally....bigger than anything that Trump has ever held in the past. Where?  They say NEAR the border.


My'd have to be near El Paso, Texas....probably the local college stadium....the Sun Bowl....with 51,000 seats.

But how would you fill this?  Well....first you'd have to contract out 300 buses, and attempt to haul folks from four different states.

You'd have to offer a quarter of the crowd....$50 gift cards, and a free lunch/beer on the bus.  

Total cost?  I would imagine near $5-million by the time you rent the field, handle the buses, and set up some type of Roman theater. 

The necessity of doing this? will waste $5-million trying to show something that no one really believes.

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