Tuesday, 22 October 2024


 It came out yesterday....in talk around Nathan Wade (the Atlanta prosecutor against Trump)....that he'd been to 'several' White House meetings prior to the prosecution stage.  

Who he met with?  Unknown....in this testimony....Wade just says in a funny way....he doesn't remember much.

What I believe?  I think ALL of the meetings revolved around Joe Biden and Nathan Wade, and that the 30-plus hours were just chats between the two guys.  They probably connected on NCAA football, WNBA games, and slutty women that both knew in their lives.


  1. ... while chugging cheap beer with their socked feet up on Old Resolute.
    Just fellows being fellows.

  2. I personally don't get why Wade had to be in DC, unless you had 10 'experts' sitting at the table for 8 hours a visit...preparing him (I don't think he's that bright or smart....so they were wasting their man-hours on prep in this case).
