Saturday 31 August 2024

Five Predictions

 1.  Between 2025 and 2030....California will reach a status where incoming tax revenue will only cover about 75-percent of the yearly spending-bill.  Banks will refuse to provide relief, and the House will deny funds.  State and local gov't retirees will go into massive shock as 50-percent of their pensions are cut in a matter of days. 

2.  12,000 mortgage holders in the DC region will be in utter shock as their federal job is carved off in 2025, and no ability to cover the loan amount starts up.

The House will  create a six-month relief fund....telling the people to sell their property ASAP.

3.  By 2030, Over 5-million Americans will be identifying as 'thin'....when they exceed 250 pounds.

4.  By 2030....over 18,000 gender-transformed individuals, will be in such a chaotic situation....that they will require 90 days in a mental unit and be qualified via Social Security for disability.

5.  The term 'dude'...will be outlawed in three US states by 2035.  

1 comment:

  1. Five:
    I could see that happening...
    * * * * *
    The way I heard it, before the 'actor' Schwarzenegger was selected governor, California bureaucrats at the BureauOfJustifyingOurExistence were borrowing a billion with a 'B' fedbux daily, every day, from the chinese.
    Then, after the 'actor' did his three years and bailed, those same bureaucrats were still borrowing a billion fedbux daily.
    If I wasn't one of those prophetically brilliant conspiracy investigators, I mightn't suspect the Federal Reserve Bankers of loaning fedbux to the chinese...
    ... with the understanding some of it would be paid to fUSA big-shots and their RulingParasites.
    An aside:
    "TheFederalDebt© stands at thirtyfifty trillions!"
    Who borrowed it?
    Who loaned it?
    What was the collateral?
    What are the lenders going to do if I say 'no'?
