Tuesday 3 September 2024

Four Theories Of Mine

 Just things that have been on my mind for years:

1.   Seth Rich murder in DC.

I think among the odd things Seth had stumbled into with the IT management of Hillary Clinton's DC data....without really grasping it....I think he stumbled into money-laundering of a fairly significant amount (probably more than $100-million), and this was not a US source.

So in the end....without really knowing the full angle of things....someone had to clean up a mess.  

2.  Building 7 collapsing on 9-11.

So....here's my theory....across the street (north) from Building 7....there are several structures of lesser height.  The street in question is Barclay Street.  On the roof of one of these buildings was a energy-wave weapon, and these guys on this rooftop....had a angle shot of WTC 5/6....over the top of Building 7.  

Yes, they had to know of the two planes being directed and crashing into the towers.

So in the effort to collapse WTC 5/6....their energy wave weapon spread a beam over the top couple of floors of Building 7 as well....meaning that without any effort of a plane....the top floors melted and collapsed in upon itself.

3.  The effort to convince Charles Manson, who could not read/write, that he was a high IQ individual....was entirely bogus, and likely a CIA development to see if you could convince someone of something that was completely false.

4.  On Hunter Biden and the Ukraine oil/natural gas company...Burisma.  

I think the entire board was suspect and likely none of them had any expertise for the kind of work required.  

Who really owned the board/company?  I suspect Russian oligarch folks.  The money tunnel?  Well....the building and 'appearance' all led to Ukraine....but profits all led back to Cyprus (not Ukraine).  

The 20-odd companies under Burisma?  They likely had incompetent people on their boards as well. 

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