Tuesday 3 September 2024

My Humble View of the Trump Assassination Attempt

 Six observations:

1.  I think there was Patsy #1 and Patsy #2...meaning Crooks had his friend/associate as part of the original planning process....with a middle-guy #1 (who they never conversed via a phone).

Patsy #1 (Crooks, the shooter) was to get his shot or two off, when Patsy #2 had the pipe-bomb assignment.  Patsy #2 built the pipe-bombs and they were packed into a back-pack....similar in nature to the back-pack which Patsy #1 had.

Patsy #1 felt absolutely sure he'd have an escape situation.

On the morning of the event...middle-guy #1 helped to convey the bags into the zone (meaning he had some security clearance to the site).  

Patsy #1/#2 arrived separately (never to be seen together in any video).  

As Patsy #2 met to get the bag with the pipe-bombs....he was eliminated. I'm guessing he was stuffed into a rubberized container or wooden box....to be carted out that evening and buried in some wooded site....by middle-guy #2.

Patsy #1 picked up his weapon bag, and went to the planned site. As soon as Patsy #1 was eliminated....the van, which was to be parked at X-point....was NOT parked at the assigned point, and later found by the regular cops.  Why this was goofed up?  Unknown.  But this is the problem laid upon Patsy #1/#2....not the middle-guy #1.

2.  None of this attempt would have worked....had this Secret Service team been a  full-up crew, with an experienced event planner.  Whoever selected the site for the Trump-team....had some some type of connection to middle-guy #1 or his associates.  

3.  I just find it odd....CNN had never gone to cover a Trump event live.  On this occasion, they were there.  Someone in the CNN empire had some type of chatter they were following....to lead them to make this a priority to cover live. Beyond that....they know nothing.  Had Trump died there....CNN would have been the only network with premium  coverage for the next 12 hours.

4.  The Secret Service, as they present themselves today.....are finished.  They will be gutted-up in January.  The term 'Secret Service' will be gone by mid-summer of 2025.  There will be two 'services' existing by that point.  One group will be solely for the protection of the present President/VP and family members.  The other group, I believe will be ONLY for past Presidents/VPs and family members.  The members of each group will not be swapped out.  

5.  Whoever is middle-guy #1 and #2....if they haven't figured this out presently....they are not likely to exist/live...past the end of 2024.  If I were either guy....I'd disappear into Belize.  

6.  Shooter #1 (not Patsy #1/#2)...was in a separate building....has US military experience, and has some face-to-face time with middle-guy #1.  He is probably a CIA asset in some way....although NOT working for the agency or paid a regular salary.  This guy is probably damaged goods at this point, and also thinking of moving to Belize.  

Finally, there's not going to be a second opportunity this year.  All of the players who were behind this (figure at least thirty individuals who know some or all of the event)....are facing an entirely different public view than existed in 1963/1964/1965.  Even the CNN connection here....will have some heart-attack or some type of life-end event.  

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