Monday 20 May 2024

This Iranian President's Death?

 I just look at the scenario....couple of VIP guys getting into a Bell 212 Helicopter.....over 40 years old, and one of those frames affected by zero purchases of legit parts...just doesn't make any sense.

I would not climb into one...under any circumstances, but this guy did.  

Going then into a heavily mountainous area, with reported cloud cover/fog? makes no sense.


  1. Makes you wonder that with Iran's closeness with Russia that they wouldn't be flying newer Russian made aircraft.

  2. You were spot on about the Helicopter;

    Iran blames Western sanctions for fatal crash of US helicopter carrying Ebrahim Raisi

  3. There are probably a dozen Helicopter companies out there....non-US types...which they could have gone to. India, for example...makes the VIP chopper...IMRH.

    I think their big issue...bosses at the top of the gov't don't have any positive feelings to pay for maintenance programs/parts.

    In this case, it's purely crappy weather, low hanging clouds, poor visibility. Wasn't this the same deal with that NBA basketball player-Helo accident?
