Monday 20 May 2024

This Iranian President's Death?

 I just look at the scenario....couple of VIP guys getting into a Bell 212 Helicopter.....over 40 years old, and one of those frames affected by zero purchases of legit parts...just doesn't make any sense.

I would not climb into one...under any circumstances, but this guy did.  

Going then into a heavily mountainous area, with reported cloud cover/fog? makes no sense.


Bigus Macus said...

Makes you wonder that with Iran's closeness with Russia that they wouldn't be flying newer Russian made aircraft.

Bigus Macus said...

You were spot on about the Helicopter;

Iran blames Western sanctions for fatal crash of US helicopter carrying Ebrahim Raisi

Schnitzel_Republic said...

There are probably a dozen Helicopter companies out there....non-US types...which they could have gone to. India, for example...makes the VIP chopper...IMRH.

I think their big issue...bosses at the top of the gov't don't have any positive feelings to pay for maintenance programs/parts.

In this case, it's purely crappy weather, low hanging clouds, poor visibility. Wasn't this the same deal with that NBA basketball player-Helo accident?