Sunday 19 May 2024

Five Things I Think Of The Biden-Trump Debate Chatter

 1.  To be honest, after the 2020 debates (there were only two between them)....I didn't really see a winner/loser of either one.  I will admit....Biden seemed overly pumped up and 'roaring'.....but it just triggered me to assume he was loped-up on some type of drug (either cocaine or Adderall, or both).

2.  How and why this 2024 debate chatter came up?  

I suspect about 10 days ago....there was a meeting (during the week, not the weekend)....where Joe, Jill, a top pollster, and two or three of the top campaign folks sat in a room.

I think the pollster laid out the discouraging news....that the five key states....are now unwinnable, and that a minimum of two pretty sure states (NV is one of them) will likely go to Trump.  Adding to it....there's probably a national trend where 50-percent of blacks, and Hispanics....will vote Trump (something that didn't occur in 2020).  

I think Joe asked....what can we do, and the campaign folks said we need to trip Trump up....maybe by getting him to say 'no' to a debate of Biden's suggestion....then use it for a commercial.  

Their shock when Trump accepted everything?  

3.  Having one debate prior to a Democratic or Republican Convention? 

Yeah, that's an odd thing....has never occurred.

I don't it's wise.

4.  Will the insider crew gift Biden with a high dose of Adderall?  Yeah.  Could you overdose a guy?'s the five key problems if you did overdose a guy....nausea and diarrhea, panic and confusion, chest pain (like you were having a heart attack), convulsions, and finally....coma.

So 45 minutes into this shouldn't be shocked  if you notice Joe having some kind of hallucinations or sweating a bit.  If he were to collapse?  Rest  assured....VP Harris is there to step in and save America.

5.  Is this mostly a Biden-versus-Trump debate, or a Trump-versus-CNN debate? 

Maybe you should sit back and be entertained as CNN gets punched a good bit and unable to moderate.

Jungle Book Movie Requiring A Trigger Warning?

 I sat and read a commentary yesterday.....some guy in the US has Disney-Plus (streaming video), and he was going to put up the Jungle Book movie (the cartoon from 1960s) for his kid to watch.

At the very beginning....there was a added 'clip' you basically a trigger-warning....that you might be disturbed by some part of the cartoon.

I paused over this for about ten minutes.

I've probably watched Jungle Book at least three times in my life and consider it a classic.

Is there anything to be disturbed by?  NO.

If you have such weak moral character and could be bothered by it?  You probably shouldn't exit the house, or work at any job other than stocking shelves at the local grocery.

I don't have much hope for the future if these characters filter out into jobs and government.  Just trying to imagine them as police?  It won't happen.