Sunday 19 May 2024

Five Things I Think Of The Biden-Trump Debate Chatter

 1.  To be honest, after the 2020 debates (there were only two between them)....I didn't really see a winner/loser of either one.  I will admit....Biden seemed overly pumped up and 'roaring'.....but it just triggered me to assume he was loped-up on some type of drug (either cocaine or Adderall, or both).

2.  How and why this 2024 debate chatter came up?  

I suspect about 10 days ago....there was a meeting (during the week, not the weekend)....where Joe, Jill, a top pollster, and two or three of the top campaign folks sat in a room.

I think the pollster laid out the discouraging news....that the five key states....are now unwinnable, and that a minimum of two pretty sure states (NV is one of them) will likely go to Trump.  Adding to it....there's probably a national trend where 50-percent of blacks, and Hispanics....will vote Trump (something that didn't occur in 2020).  

I think Joe asked....what can we do, and the campaign folks said we need to trip Trump up....maybe by getting him to say 'no' to a debate of Biden's suggestion....then use it for a commercial.  

Their shock when Trump accepted everything?  

3.  Having one debate prior to a Democratic or Republican Convention? 

Yeah, that's an odd thing....has never occurred.

I don't it's wise.

4.  Will the insider crew gift Biden with a high dose of Adderall?  Yeah.  Could you overdose a guy?'s the five key problems if you did overdose a guy....nausea and diarrhea, panic and confusion, chest pain (like you were having a heart attack), convulsions, and finally....coma.

So 45 minutes into this shouldn't be shocked  if you notice Joe having some kind of hallucinations or sweating a bit.  If he were to collapse?  Rest  assured....VP Harris is there to step in and save America.

5.  Is this mostly a Biden-versus-Trump debate, or a Trump-versus-CNN debate? 

Maybe you should sit back and be entertained as CNN gets punched a good bit and unable to moderate.

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