Monday 20 May 2024

Who I Think Are The Final Three On Trumps VP List?

Whoever is on the final list, and makes it to VP (Jan 2025)....I suspect will be elected in 2028, and 2029.  I also think the person will reform the Supreme Court in some way.....downsize the US presence in a key part of the economy rebuild, and be interviewed weekly.

1.  Marco Rubio

2.  Sarah Huckabee

3.  Ron DeSantos

Vivek?  I think he'll end up as a economical reform 'boss', for four years....then be the VP in 2028.  All this budget cutting in the works?  He'll design it.

Tulsi?  I suspect she's set the Pentagon chief.

Byron Daniels?  If Rubio is selected....I think Daniels moves up to the Senate seat to fill.

Tim Scott?  Ends up as Secretary of State for four years. 

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