Thursday 6 June 2024

The Vetting of Trump's Choices for VP?

The list?  

-Doug Burgum

-Marco Rubio

-J.D. Vance

-Tim Scott

-Byron Donalds

-Elise Stefanik

-Ben Carson

The truth of the matter is that you are selecting a person who would likely run in 2028, and be around until 2036.  

The least controversial of the group?  Probably Ben Carson and Tim Scott. 

Rubio?  Well....if you were talking about attracting the Hispanic/Latino vote....he's the guy.  

If you wanted someone to be the thug/hard-ass?  Well....that's Byron Donalds.  The black communality in the US would go positive over him.

The remaining five months before the election?  It's going to get interesting.

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