Thursday 6 June 2024

What Made The Andy Griffith Show Different?

 1.  Of the 249 episodes....I would imagine at least forty of them have some type of parable in the story-line where Andy is making a point and relates things in a way that a 10-year old kid or a 40-year old adult would understand.

2.  Behind Andy and Barney....if you started counting the secondary characters and their value....there's probably 40-odd people who were telling their story on occasion.

3.  People developed an attitude in life....having watched Mayberry....they wanted to live there.

4.  Eventually, you came to this odd fact....the only married guy in Mayberry...was Otis.  Everyone else was either divorced, widowed, or single.

5.  Everyone has a favorite episode of the show, and if you were sitting on some porch with a dozen people.....this would be an engaging conversation for an hour .

6. If you tried to re-invent it studio would touch it unless it had some really serious topics and whacked-out-crazy characters.

7.  My favorite episode?  The one where the boys felt the goat had eaten dynamite.  The haunted house comes in a close second.

8.  No matter how things character ever reached a point of getting 'cancelled' by the routine of the show.  

9.  If you tried to explain Otis to today's'd just go pretty negative after the 2nd minute.

10.  The bullet-in-the-shirt-pocket for always remarkable in a way to think about today.

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