Thursday 30 May 2024

Fast Food Luxury?

 I noticed a poll done....where 80-percent of Americans now consider a stop at a fast-food place (like BK, McDonalds, Wendys) being a 'LUXURY'.

I sat and pondered over this. 

As a kid....around age 7....McDonalds finally came to my local town (20,000 residents), and it was a big deal if the family were stopping there.

About four years into the era....the 'big-deal' dropped like a rock, and we in some way....were stopping there at least once a month.

In the first five years of my Air Force period.....I probably used a fast-food opportunity (to include the base bowling alley)....around six times a week.

I peaked at some point....where I preferred a real sit-down restaurant experience by the late 1990s.

Ever since Covid?  Well...I might stop once a week at a fast-food shop.

Here's the thing....there were tons of these operations built and they were geared where society was using them more than once or twice a week.  If you say they are luxury....then you might as well start tearing half of them down.

Something weird is starting up, and it just begs will the landscape look in twelve months?  What else will be a luxury (ice cream, a Pepsi, sitting in a movie theater)?  Are we sitting in a 1929-like era? 

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