Friday 24 May 2024

Selling Jamie Dimon As A Replacement For Joe Biden?

 Speculation has started up....since Jamie Dimon (CEO of J P Morgan Chase Bank) gave notice that he intends to leave 'soon' (not actually saying what soon means).

Dimon running as the replacement guy for Biden at the Democratic Convention?'s a rumor for the most part.

I sat and pondered over this....coming to seven conclusions:

1.  On talking economics/commerce...Dimon is the 'equal' of Trump, and can convey things in the business front.

2.  Having ever run for any office?  NO.  That is a fairly big slam against the guy.

3.  Keeping most all of the Obama support team in the White House?  That likely is a selling point, but I'm not sure the public favors this idea.  Yes, it is odd that Biden's team is like 75-percent Obama-people presently.

4.  Dimon selling well to blacks or Hispanics, or migrants?  No....I just can't see that idea coming up.

5.  Keeping all of Joe's positions?  Yeah, probably so.

6. Not stumbling around, or telling goofy stories, or having cocaine packets end up in the White  House?  Yeah....that might be a major plus.  All of the corruption stuff, and Hunter stories end?  Yeah, another plus.

7. VP Harris likely NOT to be on his list?  Yeah....I think he'd go and get Senator Corey Booker of NJ to be his VP.   AOC on the list?  Shockingly....yeah....she might be considered as well.

I'm not saying he's a great choice....just that if you threw him into the group of Michelle Obama and Governor Newsom.....Dimon looks five-star.  

The fact Dimon might be leaning halfway to being a conservative wearing fake liberal clothing?  Yeah, that issue will be dragged up a good bit.   

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