Sunday 16 June 2024

Just Six Observations

 1.  The NBA will 'give' the WNBA around $50-million this cover losses.  So one would ask....what would help to make up the $50-million (allowing the NBA to keep their money)?  Pause here....some remarkable incoming star to hype TV viewing of games?

2.  After having watched about twenty-odd clips of President Biden at the G7 meeting.  

Yeah, I would agree....he needed someone to mostly lead or herd him to the proper standing/sitting  points.  So the question is....if nuke time came they have someone ready to lead or point toward the nuke codes?

3.  I had to look up the word 'SYCOPHANT'.  Defining it?'s a guy/gal who says a bunch of get attention or recognition...strictly for his position (to gain or maintain).  Could you be one sycophant surrounded by additional sycophants (like 3 or 4 panel members on a CNN group)?  Well.....yeah, that's entirely possible.

In Alabama-lingo....'brown-noser' would be the same word.

4.  House passed a new law to automatically register guys for the draft at age 18 (up to 27).  

Reason?  If you notice....Army, Air Force, and Navy are all having problems (back in 2023, and here now in 2024).  I would assume even in 2025 and'll continue.

At some point, my humble view...around 2028, they will have no choice but to draft around 100,000 18/19 year old young men.  

Will this work?  Probably around 70,000 will show up with serious weight issues (30 pounds over the max), drug issues, mental issues (obvious paranoid schizophrenia for example), or criminal records/members of some gang.  The first year of this draft will be a 5-star failure with one out of three stamped 'invalid'.  Another third will be released within 12 months of being drafted.

5.  Best Trump quote ever: "I have never seen a thin person drinking a Diet-Coke."

Given a choice of meal with a Diet-Coke, prune juice or fizzy water.....the Diet-Coke will always be last for me.

6.  My prediction of when Biden announces he's removing his name and giving the Convention a chance to select the replacement?  

The week after the 27 June debate with Trump.

I suspect that CNN's crew will  have pre-written questions for Biden, and along about the 2nd or 3rd question....they start to ask unknown questions....with Joe standing there confused and unable to recite what he memorized.   

The Biden crew over the next seven days will reflect upon the mess they have, and give up.  At the same time....questions will arise if VP Harris should take over.  Democrats will be in shock as half of the news media advocates that Biden has to be removed from his position, with Harris moving up, and some folks now discussing who the new VP  should be.


GrandmaP said...

The Senate's version of the proposed military funding includes a provision to register to draft young women, as well. What fresh hell is that?

Schnitzel_Republic said...

Draft 1970s could bring in 25,000 and 99-percent were capable of fitting into the 'type' needed (physically, mentally).

Draft 2030s could bring in 25,000 and less than a quarter of them would be capable of fitting into the 'type' needed (drug issues, overweight, paranoid schizophrenic, inability to take orders, nut-cases, etc).

I would suggest that they already know statistically, there's going to be serious issues meeting the number required, and only by adding women into the 'collection'....will they get the yearly sufficient number.

My perception, this 'draft' won't occur for at least 3 to 5 years but the closer you get to 2030...I think this will be worked up into a deal...where you get drafted and get two full years of college tuition 'covered' in some way. I got the 'deal' (1970s/1980s)...ending up with a bachelor's degree...with the military paying 75-percent of my tuition while I attended school.

Footnote, I came into service in 1977...just a couple of years as the draft had ended, and they were expanding with more females (volunteers). Because of all the fitness growth in the past 30 years, I'd say there's no barriers much left for women filling 90-percent of jobs in the military. Go hang out at a military gym at 6 AM.