Thursday 20 June 2024

My Humble View Of This Hype Of Hillary Clinton For VP?

 Eight points:

1.  I think the White House insiders  (not Joe Biden/Kam Harris) are ready to admit that the campaign is in 2nd gear....going nowhere, and they had figured this out a year ago...preparing Governor Newsom for the Convention step-in process.  They haven't been able to talk Biden into this idea.

2.  I think Doctor Jill (Joe's wife) figured this out in the last sixty days....without talking to the White House insiders (Obama's former team).  In her mind....dumping Harris makes perfect sense, and going to Hillary Clinton fixes the sagging numbers.  

For the record, I don't think Jill's team or the White House insiders talk much between themselves.

3.  I think Hillary Clinton is mostly giggling over the idea, and fully engaged....thinking that Joe is in bad shape and would be out by late 2025 (if they won), and she'd correct all the screwed-up stuff.

4. Hillary's health issues?  Nothing dementia related....mostly physical health that lingers from 8 years ago.  I don't she's up for a 50-hour-a-week type job or serious travel (nor was she eight years ago).

5.  VP Harris just accepting this?  Oh, she's going to be disgruntled big-time.  She would have been dumped anyway, as Newsom's introduction would have carved her from the ticket.

6.  The public overly excited with Hillary listed as VP?  Why?  I don't see any special group (even the LG-community, or blacks, or Hispanics) being that hyped-up.

7.  Would Obama come out in the final sixty days to speak in favor of the Joe-Hillary ticket?  I don't buy that idea either.  I think he'd take a pass and just say Joe deserves to lose.

8.  Why is the whole ticket process (like talking over Bernie, Joe, Hillary and RFK) handcuffed to old guys/gals?  Can't they find some dynamic guy in his 40s, who doesn't have a crappy leadership record?

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