Thursday 6 June 2024


 1.  Bird flu serious?

Well....I sat and read through some Mexican chatter over the first guy there who has died from bird flu.  What they say about the poor guy?  He had type 2 diabetes already, and had some type of "chronic kidney disease."

So it's already walking down the Covid-avenue....if you had a weakened immune were in trouble.  If you had a decent health were not in trouble.

2.  With all these new illegals in the US....under the age of there space in the school systems for them (particularly in NY City, Chicago, and Denver)?

Well....this question is going to come up in August, and you will discover that these three particular cities are not capable of supporting several thousand new juveniles in the current school system.

So's going to get pretty messy in August and September.

3.  If you asked most urbanized America in decay....what would they say?

I suspect roughly half the generally public would say 'yes' and question the survival rate of the top twenty cities in the nation.

4.  Can I handle five minutes of chatter from VP Harris?

Well....NO.  I'm in the mindset if I see a piece starting up on the news with Harris....I mute the sound.  I'd rather not have to hear some juvenile-like 'child' speak.

5.  If Joe Biden slips out of the race in August, and a 'sub' (Gov Newsom) is inserted....won't most people ask how and why?

Well....most people will say Joe is in mental decay, but then suggest that if this is true....shouldn't VP Kam appear and become President?  

This is the odd part of the discussion.  I've run down twenty-odd scenarios, and every single one of them would result in President Kam in charge.  And with would expect President Kam to be the nominee...NOT Gov Newsom.

6.  If you had around 15-million people who were deemed illegally in the US and suddenly woke up in November to realize Trump won and might be deporting you in 2025....what would probably happen?

I suspect most all of them would leave in January for Canada.  This would turn into a monumental crisis period, and trigger a total collapse of confidence for the Canadian gov't.  

If you thought things were crazy now.....oh, it gets really wild in January.

7.  What makes India really unique?

They have a 'free' national ID card.....the Aadhaar card.  You bank with register to vote with it.

No one ever talks about bogus voting in India.

8.  Weren't all of the folks who signed the Declaration of Independence....felons?

Well...yeah, if the war hadn't gone well (with French help)....all of them would have been arrested eventually, and sent off to prison. It's like the Tea-Party folks.....all of them were guilty of felony charges as well.  That Washington-guy?  Yeah, probably over 100 charges with felony status for him.

9.  Has Star Wars developed into a soap opera?

Yeah, but folks are hyped-up to see sexual situations between humans and aliens. 

10.  The chief theme for bank failures for the remainder of 2024?

If you have a bank deep into commercial real estate's guaranteed to be on a failure list.  FDIC might be able to handle the five or six failures, but eventually, if your bank comes up on the will be asked to limit your removal of funds from your bank (like no more than $1k per month to withdraw).  

All of this will trigger Congress to re-invent FDIC....some new 'critter'....taxing you $20 a month for some 'special' bank insurance to have $100k ensured.  

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

Primarily because of bureaucrats working 'downtown', some businesses -- restaurant, clothing -- were able to squeak by.
As bureaucrats shifted to remote 'work', nobody has any reason to risk going into any city.
Accordingly, all those downtown businesses lost income.
And most folded.
We are watching cities return to their Stable State.
The only people going into cities are feral foragers, scampering in to salvage easily-salable remnants, then quickly leaving for the safety of the countryside.
Based on the evidence, cities were one-way dumps for utilities and food.
The only thing they produced was sewage, garbage, and 'laws' (some overlap).