Saturday 8 June 2024

The Disappeared

 This week.....former FBI Deputy 'boss',,,,Andrew McCabe....did a interview and said that there are some FBI employees now worried that Trump investigate and jail them if elected president.  Then he commented....this is triggering them to consider the crazy idea of leaving the US (Trump were to win).

I sat and pondered over it.

The only safe non-extradition countries?  Vietnam, China,  UAE, Columbia, Iran, Morocco, Moldova, Brunei, Belarus, Cuba, and Cambodia.  To be honest, Russia probably wouldn't honor any request of the US, and I'm guessing that the EU might be stupid enough to crank up a quick no-extradite situation just for FBI agents.

The problem have a particular skill and a limited number of places to apply for a job.  If the banking industry were given a order by the government to ban you....there's not many places left to hire you.

Maybe China might hire you but I'd be asking what kind of propaganda status am I stuck in.

Just how many folks is McCabe talking about?  He doesn't say.  I would be guessing around 500 folks who hold some problem, but that's purely a guess on my part.

Just escaping?  Well...if this were me....I'd be putting my DC property up for sale....even though it's a crappy time to sell, and cash in all the loot I could gather, and just secretly/quietly....move to Panama.  I would not say much or advertise anything...just to plan on being 'gone' by December.

As for my life after disappearing?  Well....I'd probably write some kind crime novel about evil right-wing agenda people....hoping that left-wing readers would  buy it and sustain my lifestyle.  

Yeah, I'd call it a phase of American history, where weird events went on for a decade, and led back to the FBI....then they just all suddenly disappeared.

1 comment:

Bigus Macus said...

There isn't a federal agency that doesn't need to be investigated. They've all been corrupted to some degree.