Sunday 22 September 2024

UFO Story

Over the weekend, I noticed this social media 'story'.  So it goes like this.

Last week....a congressional committee got a unclassified briefing and a behind-the-door briefing....over some space 'BS'.  I can confirm the committee hearing occurred, beyond's pure speculation on the rest of this.

What's said is that the James Webb Space Telescope detected SOMETHING.  The story goes....the mystery object has a path related to Earth...six light-years away,  and it oddly enough has made a couple of course corrections. So if's not a meteor  or comet.

Size?  All they say is 'massive'.....which means something bigger than the moon.

BS story? does sound a like that TV series....Three Body Problem series.

Does this come out open the door for revealing all this UFO/UAP stuff?  Hard to say.

Could the crew coming in be friendly, or like some Darth Vader-crew?

Presently, if you were traveling at accepted max light year would take 19,000 years to reach Earth.  So far, no one can say how fast this 'vehicle' is traveling (maybe it's faster).

On's pinging at a '8'.  Part of me would like to believe the aliens will be here in 12 months....are here mostly to get a 15,000 year supply of Pepsi, and they want to take all the Transwomen back to their planet.  I'm also in the belief that they want to talk to Trump and get a new prospective on  things.

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