Tuesday 25 June 2024

How Joe Got Rich


I sat and contemplated this story.

Basically....Joe/Jill Bide used one single Delaware house....for refinancing 20 different times.

Original value of the house?  $350k.

What the loans added up to?  $4.2-million.

I've tried to make sense out of this.

The only way it makes sense?  

Each loan results in the house providing cash to the Bidens.....with the bank  holding the refinanced home.  Then some 'friend' steps in and pays cash for the mortgage deal from their pocket (not Joe/Jill's pocket), and the cash in Joe/Jill's pocket is thus gift-money and not really reported to IRS.

Legal?  Well....yeah, but most banks would say it's got an element of money-laundering attached....after you do this three or more times.

Did he report all  of this to the IRS?  I would imagine  yes.


LargeMarge said...

All the evidence indicates:
* bidenCriminalSyndicate are bumbling idjits, so they merely signed the docs as the paperwork was rapidly shoved under his quivering hand...
...a lot like Opening Day for the biden administration back in January 2021.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I'll just say that a normal guy might do a re-finance typically to get a better rate. If you asked 1,000 folks...most will say they did it once or twice in their life. But to say you did it 20 times...for the same house? There has to be some corruption gimmick in play, but I would assume Joe reported right numbers to IRS....so no tax issues.

Other thing...did he do this with the same bank each time?