Tuesday 25 June 2024

My Three Thoughts On The Biden-Trump Debate

 Before we reach the debate:

1.  I think Russia will engage on their retribution gimmick (attacking some US target 12 to 24 hours prior to the debate.....with Biden backing out of the debate because of this event.

2.  If the debate does take place, I expect the CNN crew to be fairly biased but find that Trump is not really debating Biden.....he's going full-blast on CNN.  

3.  Biden has had seven continuous days of full up 'juicing'....so I'm curious if his body can handle a 8th day, and if the juicing wears off half-way through this debate.


Bigus Macus said...

I think this is going to be a make or break for CNN. If they screw this up, they're done. From reading the various blogs, no one is happy with the choice. Why the RNC choose them is beyond me.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

No, RNC had nothing to do with this. Once Biden said he might be open to a debate....Trump said 'fine', with the Biden-crew shaking their head and thinking they need to make this impossible...so they went to the CNN scenario. Trump said fine.

I would imagine the insider crew are shaking their head. A full-week of juicing up Joe to get him ready for this? I'd be worried over the juice-effect and if it wears off way-early now.

As for Trump? He's there to debate CNN....not Biden. I also think the management of CNN has told the two dimwit of theirs...don't show bias. If the public thinks we are stupid...the value of the network will drop even more. Then the Elon Musk threat falls into play. He's got the money now to buy them, plus the WaPo.

But this Russian threat is a big deal. Wouldn't shock me if they went after a refinery on the east coast, or some US Navy vessel, or blew up some hydro-electric dam. Biden giving those TACMS rockets to Ukraine...was 4-star stupid.