Thursday 10 October 2024

Five Things I Think

 1.  I think the key to Diddy being in jail....his little-helpers at various times over the past 20 years....sold tapes of the sex-action to bidders (say half-a-million).

The bidders?  They turned the tape around and went to the guilty party on the tape, and blackmailed for a million.  You might have have five-hundred folks....who've lost $20-million each....trying to cover their ass.

So I think this group of guilty folks finally went to the FBI and they added up the amount ($1-billion-plus) of tax-free funds that moved around.

Just a theory.

2.  I don't think Barak Obama coming out this final month to campaign for Kamala Harris....helps.

Maybe some media types or news journalists still feel some Obama-thrill, but that's not true for the black community.

3.  To be honest, saying FEMA is coming to help/save you....might not thrill folks.

4.  Up until recently, Sweden never did have to make a law to prevent you from marrying your cousin.  The Swedes recently decided....'enough', and made a new rule, but it won't  be forced until 2026.  So if you wanted to marry a'd best do it soon.

5.  Among black guys voting this time.....I think more than 75-percent will vote for Trump, with NY City black guys probably voting near 90-percent.  

Has FEMA Evolved Into Santa Claus?

 Yesterday, after having watched the 10th-odd FEMA 'boss' update....trying to convince people people is truly trying to save the 'day' in North Carolina....I came to this odd conclusion.   FEMA has evolved itself into being Santa Claus.

FEMA can't readily do much of anything because of a bad attitude, incompetent leadership, and direction given to save the migrants.  What they can do....fake people out by pretending to be Santa Claus.

It's not the end of the world.....believe me.

What people generally want?  You can sit and  ask folks in any emergency,  and you get four typical things:

1.  Electrical power, water distribution and roads/bridges restored.  (none of this can be done by FEMA).

2.   They need a warm 'bunk' situation for a week or two, with some meals.  (none of this is typically done by FEMA).

3.  They want gas stations/banks/grocery stores up and running.  (none of this done by FEMA).

4.  They want some 'feeling' that Presidents and Governors 'care' about them.  (not FEMA's job).

It just makes one there much to show for the billions spent by FEMA....other than electric chainsaws and hotel rooms for migrants?  Is FEMA fully developed into Santa Claus?

IQ Chatter

 I sat and watched an interview yesterday....podcast guy talking to a PhD-gal who specialized in education.

So at some point, PhD-gal notes that US colleges have reached a point where just about anyone can sign up, and get in the front-door.  Reflecting upon this....she then noted that low-IQ folks  now have the greatest opportunity in attend college.

I reviewed a number of sources.  The college crowd generally believes that getting inside the door of a college....requires a IQ of 115 (minimum).  I should note here....100 is considered the 'average' of society (in America).

However, a study done in the 1990s....says that even at a IQ  level of 85....most folks can survive basic college (probably not engineering or the sciences).

Going back to the PhD-gal....she commented at some point, if you had low-IQ folks (say at 85) attending, if they did graduate....there's nothing much to really say they improved their low-IQ situation.  This group would also go  out and impress people as intellectuals....when they were still low-IQ.

At the end....I pondered, if the low-IQ folks graduated college and got jobs teaching at high schools, then all they'd produce were low-IQ high school folks.  Evidence? just look around and start to grasp how crappy things have developed into...over the past thirty years.