Tuesday, 12 November 2024

My Bitburg Story

 Over the past week, I've observed a lot of Tik Tok videos....suggesting various women are frustrated about the vote, and saying that they won't  conduct relationships with guys....in order to 'punish' them for voting wrongly.  

So I'm going to tell you a story.

In the early 1990s....I was transferred to Bitburg Air Base, Germany.  It was a unique region, and highly rural.  Lot of farmers in the local population.

In the 1960s and 1970s....it was painfully obvious that male farmers in the area weren't really getting options on female 'mates'.  This was mostly because the farming lifestyle was viewed as a negative.  So you had a fair sum of men in their 30s/40s....who were still single.

At some point in the 1970s....these guys went off on a yearly vacation, and started to choose Thailand.  They'd go and spend two to three weeks.  They'd end up meeting some Thai gal....some in their  20s...some in their 30s, and relationships would occur.  The German farmer-guy would return six months later, and end up marrying her.  German green-card would occur, and she'd resettle back on the farm  at Bitburg.

A year later....she'd introduce her male farmer neighbor to some sister, cousin or friend.  A trend started up. By the late 80s....there  were probably forty Thai wives in the region.

A co-worker lived in a farming village outside of Bitburg, and engaged in  conversation with a Thai gal on this trend.  The Thai gal remarked....things were fine except a lot of animosity from German women in the local area.  

Yeah, there was frustration about how Thai women became the substitution solution. 

Looking at these TikTok women....I suspect in three years....you start to notice a trend....where Asian women, South American women and Russian women are the substitution solution.  The  angry anti-Trump women?  Well.....they can find a few  Harris-lefty-voter-guys, but there's a limit here.

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