Monday 22 July 2024

How I View The End Of The Joe-Show

 1.  I suspect there is a massive amount of hostility/anger brewing within Biden....over how various 'friends' turned against him in the past couple of months, to push him out.  I don't think you will see much of him here over the next three months.  He will make a brief showing at the Convention, then avoid public appearances.  

2.  Hunter?  Well....the profit years are ended. 

3. a supported candidate?  I think you will get four weeks of her testing the waters, and find that very few are that happy.  By the start-up of the Convention....she fails on the first ballot, and we get four hours of tense chatter....ending up with either Whitmer or Newsom as the pick.

I'll also say....I think the exit strategy that President Obama gave Joe Biden....was that he was not to give Kam his 'nod'.  I think Joe looked at the BS and know what....let me screw up your Convention strategy.  

4.  The Biden  period until January?  It will be very unremarkable and you might discover the news folks (particularly MSNBC and CNN) avoiding mention of him or what he did during the day.

5.  Finally, in a couple of states, I think RFK Jr picks up steam.  This will be part  of the reason why Kam is dumped at the Convention.  


LargeMarge said...

"Unburdened by what was [waves left hand behind head] [re-played during dozens of 'appearances']."
That, right there, that special talent is deserving of at least a nomination.
keyword -- unburdened by what was

Schnitzel_Republic said...

You know, if Harris had only uttered this 'unburdened' comment once or twice....I wouldn't say nothing. But since day's been uttered probably over fifty some Bible-verse that she's memorized.

She just seem medication for panic attacks or anxiety. She won't get the nomination at the Convention, and you end up with Whitmer (I think) and Mayor-Pete for VP.

Just seems like a WWE-wrestling show.