The first award I think I ever got in life....was a complete school year accomplished with no missed days (somewhere around the 6th grade). You got called up to the front of the auditorium by the principal....getting a certificate of some type. There might have been one or two kids out of each class that got this. To be honest, it wasn't that big of a deal to me....I wasn't exactly aiming for this. I think I accomplished another one of these before I graduated from high school.
When rewards did come in the next thirty years after graduating high school....they were for odd things. Some rewards were on paper....some involved cash-pay-outs....some were days-off from work....and some simply were a paid beer.
Rewards were never least in my mind.
I've noticed this trend over the past five years....a lot of hype over the unequal nature of rewards. People seem convinced now that everyone should get rewards, and they ought to all have some equal level involved.
In some schools....I think if a kid just showed up five straight days in school.....he'd probably get a certificate for that act.
The value of this reward revolution going on? I think it hurts society a great deal and cheapens the effect of rewards. You might as well give a reward, for getting a reward.