Tuesday 30 July 2024

What I Think The November Election Will Come Down To?

 Three things have shifted a fair number of votes:

1.  Migration/immigration effects in metro cities like Chicago and NYC.  Locals with Democratic leadership in full view....are peeved. This crisis will go back to Biden's record, or lack of a record.

2.  A banking crisis with commercial real estate in a mess....banks holding failed property and unable to dump it for the value assigned.  This trend....with 200-plus banks in failure status...will be leading FDIC to admit they don't have the funds to cover each person's bank accounts. 

3. A lot of the Harris AG and SF prosecutor 'history' will be laid out and it probably won't be a positive resume to brag about.

So I will add this one odd factor....RFK Jr probably will take one out of ten Democratic votes.  

The Thing About Crazies

 I sat and read a piece today....which basically said.....with women who profess being  left-of-center (no idea how they graded themselves)....age group of 18 to 30....just over 50-percent of these women have been advised that they have some type of mental 'condition' (left to you to guess what it is).

With the same survey....if you were a woman in the same age group but professed that you were right-of-center....its only around 20-percent of this group who seem to have some type of advised mental 'condition' (left for to guess what it is). 

So I looked it up...being a guy, I was concerned.  Guys over 65?  Well....it's only about 8-percent of guys claiming right-of-center status....who've been advised that they have some type of advised mental 'condition'.  I felt relieved to some degree.

All this mental 'condition'  BS?  Well....you just are left to wonder....are these crazy people with paranoid schizophrenia, or just a bunch of doctors who see 'easy marks'?

I worked with an Air Force officer who wasted college and got medical degree that was worthless in the end.  His job after college?  Well....he worked in a high-end clinic in Miami.....mostly signing prescriptions and reassuring women in their 40s....that they had such-and-such problems.  He continually pushed on the clinic director....that the drugs being assigned (handed out)....didn't really help anyone. After two years of this....he went to the Air Force recruiter and signed up as a officer.

The thing that bothers me with the trend.....if you look toward 2030.....there's going to be a lot of women in the age group of 30 to 40....with mental issues, and we probably can't sustain American society with this many folks, unless you bring in a bunch of non-crazy migrants.  Maybe Joe Biden's wisdom was at work here?