Saturday 21 September 2024

Ten Humble Feelings

 1.  This 2nd Trump shooter....seems to travel a good bit....yet has no real income.  Just odd, I think.  Either he's hooked-up to the CIA, or doing money-laundering for some folks.

2.  This week, there was a fair amount of talk about fake musicians....making AI-songs, and getting rich off the 'income'.  Imagine a fake Johnny Cash now existing and making $250,000 a year off AI.

3.   While some consider these talks by Kamala Harris to be 'torture'....I'm getting to the point of enjoying them....but I have to admit.....20 minutes is probably the max I can handle per day.  It's like watching a rocket-scientist guzzling half-a-bottle of whiskey and wondering how things will go in the chat.

4.  I expect some poll to arrive by November...saying 88-percent of aliens support Trump  over Kamala.  At least 1-percent of Americans will believe the poll.

5.  Whenever someone says the word 'fast-track'....I tend to question what they mean, and if their 'fast-track' meaning might equate to five years.

6.  Eventually, people that vote illegally....will end up getting a court summons, and come to grasp that by the time they pay a lawyer....just to represent them....they are $5,000 in debt  and likely to spend three months in some county-jail.

7.  You ever about 75-percent of Kamala Harris appearances....she wears a scarf?  

8.  To be honest, on influence of hyped-up Hollywood stars....about 99-percent of the time....I don't pay much attention unless they are talking about bar-b-q sauce or toilet paper.

9.  There seems to be some holy-angel factor going on with he's got 12 angels deployed around himself constantly.

10.  I noticed a poll done in the UK....since Covid ended....about one-third of people don't really care about their work or their productivity.  

About The Beepers

 Around 15 years ago....a group of Israeli intelligence people met and discussed this crazy idea. 

They looked at Hezbollah (the Lebanese terror folks) and figured out three things: (1) communication between the bosses/commanders and the 'troops' was going to be a big deal, (2) that eventually cellphones/beepers would be the only way to communicate, and (3) that these Hezbollah folks weren't going to be super-smart on how they picked their electronic 'toys'.

So they rigged up a plan....with marginal cost. They lined up some combo of walkie-talkies and beepers.  

They put together a acquisition team....where they would find legit makers of the hardware, and get a clear deal to make such items....pretending they were European-made....when they were actually made in Israel.  Then they sold the items.....delivering them through another company.

Then they waited.

This week, the day came where they exploded the devices.

The dead?  Some folks think it's up near 400.  There's a minimum of 400 other folks were blinded (partially or fully).  Theres another group of guys....who probably won't be able to reproduce any kids for the remainder of their life.

Quietly, whoever dreamed up this whole thing.....they'd disappeared.  The odds that there's already another 15-year plan in place to  do this a second time?  I'd put the odds at 99-percent.  The odds that it's to be rigged via China? Yeah....I'd give it a 99-percent chance as well.

Permanently damage to Hezbollah?  Well...from the leadership prospective....I'd say trust in electronic devices is near zero. 

Trump And The Max Percentage On Credit Cards Talk

 This week, Trump talked up the idea of making the max that credit cards can charge on be set at 10-percent.

Odds of VISA and Master-Card agreeing?  Zero.

Odds of getting Republicans to agree in the House/Senate?  Near 10-percent (they might agree to set it at 19-percent).

I worked in a office with a female contractor (the multiple-marriage gal).  One day, I had lunch with her and my female co-worker.  Credit debt came up.

What the female contractor had....was around $85,000 in card debt.  Naturally, I was curious, so I did you arrive at this point?

Basic answer?  Around age 23, she signed up over a 1-year five credit cards.  

Over a 5-year period...she charged up around $45,000.....where she halted herself, but could not pay enough off on each the 20-to-25 percent interest kept growing.

I asked....where did you spend the $45,000?  Well....this went off to five or six things (car repairs, trips to Vegas, new washer/dryer, weddings (3x), and gifts).  

So I much are you spending to get it down?  Well....she detailed this out....almost $1,800 a month of her engineer salary went to payments.  But even then.....without any use of the cards....she'd need at least 12 years.

If she'd had a 10-percent interest limit?  That would have helped.  The other thing need a absolute limit on each more than $10,000, and you need a strategy where you don't do reckless vacations where 100-percent of the cost is covered by the credit cards.

It's been 16 years since that conversation.  I'm guessing she's pretty close to paying off the cards.  Twenty years of her life wasted on this?  That's my gut feeling.  

What happens to VISA if this was forced through?  Their profit margin diminishes in a harsh way (you'd need to dump their stock).   Would something appear to get around the 10-percent interest?  Oh, I have no doubt that some gimmick would occur.